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Navigating Relationship Storms

Here are some tips for de-escalating family conflicts.

Key points

  • It's natural for conflicts to arise in any close-knit relationship.
  • Conflict resolution isn't about always agreeing with others or proving who's right.
  • The healthiest relationships aren't devoid of conflict but rather know how to manage it effectively.
Source: LittleBee80/iStock

Have you ever considered the impact of your communication skills on your relationships, especially within your family? Are you aware that holding differing opinions is perfectly fine as long as the disagreement remains respectful and constructive?

It's natural for conflicts to arise in any close-knit relationship due to differences in opinion, perceptions, ideas, and behaviors. While these differences may seem trivial to one person, they can deeply affect another, rooted in their core values and beliefs. The key lies in how these conflicts are communicated and managed. It isn't about always agreeing with others, nor does it have to be a conversation about proving who's right.

If you've been part of any lasting relationship, you're likely familiar with the inevitability of conflict. However, contrary to what some might believe, the healthiest relationships aren't conflict-free. Instead, they are characterized by individuals' ability to repair disputes and navigate toward compromise or mutual respect differences. This approach leads to more fulfilling and stronger relationships.

Understanding Conflict in Relationships

Dr. John Gottman's research into couples' dynamics illuminates a critical aspect of conflict—its enduring nature. His studies show that 69 percent of relationship conflicts are ongoing, rooted in unresolvable differences in personalities and needs. However, this doesn't spell doom for such relationships. Instead, it emphasizes the importance of a gentle approach to conflict resolution. Techniques like easing into a complaint, staying calm, and taking breaks during intense moments can greatly enhance how couples manage disagreements. These principles are also applicable to any family relationship.

This research highlights the vital need for effective conflict management rather than avoidance or attempts at complete resolution. Clear communication during or after conflicts presents an invaluable chance to understand others better and nurture growth within the relationship. While many of us find it easy to communicate when things are going smoothly, the challenge arises during emotionally charged discussions, which can diminish our ability to express ourselves effectively.

Destructive vs. Constructive Conflict

It's also crucial to distinguish between destructive and constructive conflict. Destructive conflict drains and upsets, often escalating when one party becomes defensive or aggressive in response to perceived criticism. Many people haven't learned healthy ways to express anger during conflicts, leading to defensive behavior, withdrawal, yelling, or even violence. Such reactions affect not only the individuals involved but also the relationship itself.

Conversely, constructive conflict arises from the ability to self-regulate and thoughtfully respond to a situation. This approach fosters mutual understanding and can reduce future disagreements. Engaging constructively in a conflict means focusing on articulating your thoughts about the problem rather than resorting to blame or attacks.

Practical Techniques for De-escalating Family Conflicts

Below are some effective strategies for de-escalating conflicts within the family:

  1. Practice Active Listening: Make an effort to truly listen and understand the other person's perspective without immediately formulating a response.
  2. Stay Calm: Work on keeping your physiological arousal low. Deep breathing or short breaks can help you maintain calm during tense discussions.
  3. Use "I" Statements: Express your feelings and thoughts using "I" statements to avoid placing blame on the other person.
  4. Seek to Understand: Prioritize understanding the other person's point of view over winning the argument. Acknowledge their feelings and needs.
  5. Agree to Disagree: Recognize that it's OK to have unresolved issues as long as you respect each other's perspectives.

These strategies are much easier said than done. It becomes incredibly challenging not to get deeply involved when triggered and drawn into conflict. However, a lot of work can be done outside of the conflict by identifying negative interaction patterns, recognizing your role in these conflicts, understanding what triggers you, and learning when to pause a conflict and revisit it later.

By adopting these techniques, families can navigate conflicts more effectively, paving the way for healthier and more fulfilling relationships. The goal isn't merely to eliminate conflict but to manage it—in a way that strengthens bonds and fosters understanding. And if you fall back into old patterns, it's okay to step back after the storm to apologize or try again later.

If you're experiencing difficulties in your relationships and seek more comprehensive guidance, see my new book, This Isn't Working for Me, co-authored with Dr. Edrica Richardson.


Gottman, J. M. (1999). The marriage clinic: A scientifically based marital therapy. W. W. Norton & Company.

Cohen, I. S., & Richardson, E. D. (2024). This Isn't Working for Me: A Practical Guide for Making Every Relationship in Your Life More Fulfilling, Authentic, and Intentional. Bridge City Books .

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