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Jennifer Baumgartner
Jennifer Baumgartner Psy.D.

Got the Winter Blues, Fling into Spring

Enjoy your winter using the spring trends!

Spring fashion is here. Trends, such as bright colors and light fabrics, can inspire the way live during the winter months.

Stick with your crew

Nautical is in for spring. And what does the nautical theme inspire? Visions of adventures with our crew. Unfortunately, most of us just want to snuggle into our beds and stay warm during the winter. We find that resisting leaving our house to socialize becomes quite common. The thought of going out can trigger visions of frozen hands, muddy shoes, and bulky sweaters. Who wants to leave the house when it is freezing outside? We decide to wait, and like migrating birds, we come back to our social hot spots to congregate during the warmer months.

The hassle and danger of traveling during the ice and snow can leave us feeling isolated, bored, and just plain restless. If you have a social opportunity, don't turn it down because it's cold outside, get out there and connect with others. Even if that means having a cup of coffee for an hour, the benefits you get from being with another is worth the two hours it takes to strap on your boots. If you can't connect with a person face-to-face, use all that technology has to offer. Get online and chat, blog, and Skype. Don't lose touch with your fellow man because you are freezing your rear end off! If you still are finding it hard to reconnect during the winter months, just the contemplation of planning a social event for the spring may boost the desire to reach out now.

Lighten up

Yes, we all do it. It's cold outside, we are cozy in our home, so we snuggle up to a nice plate of hot fudge cake with ice cream to top off our mac and cheese dinner. After at least a month of relative inactivity and holiday cheer, we have packed on a few. As I always say, "I need the extra layer for the cold!" Unfortunately, a little extra weight here and there can add up to a sizeable amount, which is not always beneficial to our health.

Spring trends point toward light and airy clothes, think lace tops and gossamer gowns. If clothes for the spring have lightened up we can too. Minor tweaks are all that are needed to shed the extra weight. Cut a few snacks from your diet, eliminate sugary drinks, reduce the condiments, or stop eating well before bed. Do that extra 20 minutes of cardio, go for one more rep, or add in a new move to your existing routine. You will be amazed how quickly those minor changes can help shed the winter weight and help you look spring ready.

Get some color

Spring fashion is all about bright colors, especially coral. Remember the feeling of opening a box of Crayola crayons in September. There is nothing like saturated hues to spark creativity, imagination, and an extra boost of energy. Getting some color is also a great way to fight the winter blahs. The color I speak of is not the kind you find in your closet, but the kind you get from sitting in the sun.

Feeling sad during the winter months can actually be a clinical issue warranting treatment. Seasonal affective disorder is a specifier of major depression occurring during the winter months often associated with lack of light. During the winter, the duration of available light is less than that during the spring and summer months.

Be sure to get some sunlight during the winter, even if that means sitting bundled up in your coat and hat. Sitting in the sun will not only improve your spirits, but the absorption of UVB light into skin will eventually trigger the transformation of skin components to manufacture vitamin D in its active form.

Glam it up

Out with the eighties, seventies glamour is back. Think silk wide leg pants, halter tops, midi length skirts, bright prints, and safari inspired style. Glamorous clothes call for a glamorous life! When Christmas and New Years are over, one may be hard up for a winter soiree, delicious meal, or wonderful show.

Don't let the cold deter your desire to celebrate life. Now is the perfect time to do something that adds excitement. Have a party, get dressed up for lunch, or visit a museum. Don't wait until Valentine's Day, St. Patrick's Day, Easter, or the beginning of summer to find an adventure. Make time for some excitement in your will certainly have the wardrobe for it this season.

About the Author
Jennifer Baumgartner

Jennifer Baumgartner, Psy.D., is a clinical psychologist who examines the underlying reasons for clients' style choices and creates a wardrobe to facilitate positive internal change.

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