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The Phenomenon of 'Lying Flat' Among Chinese Youth

A shift in values: Youth choosing minimalism over material success.

Key points

  • Lying flat' denotes a trend of Chinese youth embracing a minimalist lifestyle
  • High job competition and societal pressures push individuals towards 'lying flat'
  • Lying flat' represents a shift in life values towards spiritual satisfaction

By Ye Zhang Pogue and Zhenghao Zhou

The phrase “lying flat" has gained significant traction in recent years as an internet idiom among the Chinese populace. It refers to an attitude of embracing minimalistic living, forsaking personal ambition, and forgoing the pursuit of materialistic standards of success. Contrary to the prevailing ethos of relentless toil and upward mobility, these individuals opt for a life of simplicity and ease. This term has gained immense popularity among contemporary youth, becoming a frequent topic of their daily discourse. The question is, why has this occurred?

The Competitive Job Market: A Catalyst for the 'Lying Flat' Phenomenon

Owing to China's massive population, the job market across all sectors is extraordinarily competitive. This is particularly evident in the civil service, where approximately 100 candidates vie for a single position. Current statistics indicate that the unemployment rate among young Chinese individuals (aged 16-24) is projected to reach 20.8 percent in 2023. Such high unemployment forces many to accept lower wages in a fiercely competitive labor market.

The Cut-throat Corporate Culture and its Impact

The competition is not limited to individual job seekers; the corporate culture in China is similarly cut-throat. Companies must remain vigilant, for complacency can quickly lead to them being overtaken by competitors. Consequently, a culture of overtime work prevails. Many employees, wary of job security, are reluctant to challenge their companies over overtime hours or associated compensation. A common phenomenon is the "996" work schedule, working from nine in the morning to nine at night, six days a week, and employees feel they have no choice but to endure.

Traditional Expectations vs. Modern Realities

Societal pressures also stem from expectations around marriage and starting a family, regarded traditionally as everyone's duty. The high costs associated with modern life, including soaring housing prices and increased education and medical expenses, often push young people into debt as they struggle to support their families. As a result, they may have to compromise their quality of life, forgo leisure time, and abandon hobbies. Studies show that 52.4 percent of individuals surrender their hobbies post-marriage. Such burdens have caused young people to question the necessity of adhering to conventional life trajectories. This trend is reflected in China's fertility rate, which has plummeted to 1.07, the second lowest globally.

The Shift in Youth Perspectives: Seeking Spiritual Liberation

Consider Lin, a 25-year-old health care management employee in Beijing. Despite laboring diligently for five years, the city's intense competitive pressures and inflated housing prices render purchasing a home nearly impossible on his salary. Realizing that settling in Beijing was unattainable, Zhang chose to adopt the 'lying flat' lifestyle. Now, he refrains from taking on additional work after his official hours, and focuses on enjoying his free time by indulging in hobbies like basketball and gaming.

Today's generation, expected to be brimming with enthusiasm for the future, finds themselves succumbing to the stressors of high house prices, fierce competition, extensive overtime, rapid societal pace, and high consumption. Instead of pursuing materialistic desires, these young individuals seek spiritual liberation. They reject being shackled by societal expectations and adopt the mantra "life is too short, seize the day". They no longer feel compelled to overwork, compete in a materialistic society, or chase social status. They would rather choose to savor life.

Embracing the 'Lying Flat' Phenomenon: A Reconsideration of Life Values

In summary, the 'lying flat' phenomenon is a resistance to the high-pressure, high-competition, and high-consumption lifestyles prevalent in contemporary society. It represents a reconsideration of life values by today's youth. While some critics view 'lying flat' as a negative attitude, it also illustrates a profound understanding and contemplation of life by today's youth, who value self-fulfillment, spiritual satisfaction, and freedom of choice.

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