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Multigenerational Hoarding an Enormous Stress on Families

Hoarding research has uncovered a genetic link and high heritability rates.

This post was co-authored by Autumn Bakhsh-Livingston and Robert T. Muller, Ph.D.

Hoarding is often mocked, stigmatized, and used as entertainment in shows like Hoarders. Previously regarded as a form of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), in 2013, hoarding was designated as a separate disorder in the American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition, hoarding disorder (HD), for which approximately 2 percent of the population meets the criteria.

HD not only affects the person diagnosed, but it can also affect the family unit. As the person acquires more possessions over time, they place more value on these items. They become reluctant to part with these belongings and develop unhealthy attachments to the possessions.

Onur Bahçıvancılar at Unsplash, Creative Commons
Source: Onur Bahçıvancılar at Unsplash, Creative Commons

Amelia* spoke to us about her experience growing up in a hoarding household. She shared that while growing up, her mother often bought or held on to an assortment of items they didn’t need or had no use for. She would keep various broken items to be used later in art projects. Any attempt to throw out any items, including those that belonged to Amelia, was met with resistance and anger.

As a result of her upbringing and her now conflicting values, Amelia hates cluttered spaces but also struggles to throw out items she doesn’t need.

“I was taught that everything has value," she said. "I was taught that to get rid of things, even when broken or unwanted, was wasting money and irresponsible.”

Amelia shared that her mom did not have much of her own when growing up and had to work for everything she now owned as an adult. Her hoarding behaviour increased in severity over time, especially after Amelia left home.

“It was like walking into an episode of Hoarders,” she recalled. Interestingly, it was discovered that Amelia’s maternal grandfather and great-grandfather were hoarders for similar reasons.

In her study, hoarding researcher Carol A. Mathews at the University of Florida’s Department of Neuroscience found significant heritability for hoarding, a subtype of obsessive-compulsive disorder. Genetic factors accounted for 36 percent of the variance for hoarding.

In a 2007 study, gene researchers analyzing samples from 999 OCD patients in 219 families found that families with more hoarding relatives displayed a unique pattern on chromosome 14. While research continues to unfold, this suggests that, in addition to environmental factors, genetics may play a role in hoarding in families.

Nick Fewings at Unsplash, Creative Commons
Source: Nick Fewings at Unsplash, Creative Commons

Mathews clarifies that these findings do not mean that those with a genetic susceptibility are destined to be hoarders. The development of hoarding habits can be influenced by factors such as the individual’s upbringing, whether they are aware of their vulnerability to the behavior, and the prevalence of hoarding within the family.

With mental health support, one can learn to cope with hoarding and prevent the increasing severity. It is important to recognize the risks and signs of developing HD and to engage in preventative measures.

While current hoarding interventions focus primarily on addressing the problem once it has started, individuals can take preventative measures themselves. When it comes to treatment for hoarding, psychotherapy, particularly cognitive behavioral therapy, is recommended to address the underlying mental health challenges at play. Individuals can also seek out resources such as decluttering programs and other resources that can provide them with advice and assistance.

This post also appears in the Trauma and Mental Health Report.

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