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Are You a Whiner or Winner?

10 actionable tips can get you from stagnation to success.

Key points

  • Proactive problem-solving distinguishes winners.
  • Accountability breeds success, blame holds you back.
  • Resilience and perseverance lead to success.
  • Winners seek solutions, not excuses.
Igor Omilaev/Unsplash
Your attitudes, actions, and responses to challenges, can play a significant role in your success.
Source: Igor Omilaev/Unsplash

Why do some people seem to constantly turbo-boost ahead while others are stagnant and remain in the same chair doing the same job for years? Might there be a correlation between the chronic complainers and perpetual doers?

In the pursuit of success, it is essential to distinguish between behaviors that propel people forward and those that hold them back. Understanding the traits of both whiners and winners can significantly impact our personal and professional lives. Here are ten ways to differentiate between the two:

  1. A whiner focuses on problems while a winner seeks solutions.
    When faced with challenges, winners approach them with a proactive mindset, looking for ways to overcome obstacles rather than dwelling on them. It’s not a question of whether they can overcome a challenge; the focus is on how.
  2. A whiner blames others for their shortcomings while a winner takes responsibility for their actions.
    Winners understand that they have control over their choices and outcomes, and they actively seek opportunities to learn and grow from their experiences.
  3. A whiner is easily discouraged by setbacks while a winner sees failure as data and an opportunity for growth.
    Winners view failures as valuable learning experiences that contribute to their personal and professional development. Failure does not constitute an end; rather, it is a new beginning.
  4. A whiner procrastinates and makes excuses while a winner takes decisive action.
    Winners are proactive and resourceful, consistently pursuing their goals with determination and perseverance.
  5. A whiner seeks validation and sympathy from others while a winner maintains confidence and self-assurance.
    Winners are self-motivated and resilient, relying on their intrinsic motivation to navigate challenges and setbacks, always eyeing the bigger goal, no matter how far away it may appear.
  6. A whiner complains about circumstances beyond their control while a winner focuses on what they can influence.
    Winners work to control what they can control and prioritize their energy and attention on aspects of their lives in which they can make a meaningful difference.
  7. A whiner resists change and clings to the familiar while a winner embraces innovation and adaptation.
    Winners recognize that growth begins where comfort ends. Progress often requires stepping out of one's comfort zones and exploring new possibilities.
  8. A whiner indulges in negativity and pessimism while a winner cultivates optimism and a positive mindset.
    Winners maintain a hopeful outlook, even in the face of adversity, believing in their ability to overcome challenges and achieve success. They focus on the controllable variables and work with them, instead of against them.
  9. A whiner compares themselves unfavorably to others while a winner focuses on their own progress and growth.
    Winners understand that each individual's journey is unique, and they measure success by their own standards and achievements. It’s me versus me, not me versus everyone else.
  10. A whiner gives up when faced with difficulties while a winner perseveres with resilience and determination.
    Winners understand that success often requires patience and persistence, and they remain committed to their goals even in the face of adversity. For many winners, a loss is the rocket fuel they need to push them to outwork everyone and succeed.

The distinction between a whiner and a winner lies in attitudes, actions, and responses to challenges. By cultivating the traits of a winner—such as resilience, responsibility, and proactive problem-solving—we can unlock our potential for success and fulfillment in all areas of life.

So, the next time you encounter adversity, ask yourself: Am I a whiner or a winner?

More from Ruth Gotian Ed.D., M.S.
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