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Tackling Controversy

Taking on today's hot-button issueswith Psychology Today's Editor at Large

It's possible to talk about hot-button issues without engaging in attack.

I focus on environmental leadership, which overlaps with education, learning, social and emotional skills, influence, persuasion, and many things that overlap with psychology

Hara Estroff Marano is Psychology Today's Editor at Large and has been for about 20 years. From our first meeting we talked about hot-button issues that social media attacks people for.

We neither argued nor agreed, but engaged each other.

Besides editing at Psychology Today, Hara focuses on education, learning, social and emotional skills, and more.

We have plenty to cover. We've talked about woke culture, racism, sexism, the dismal state of education, politics, and more of what people probably advised you not to talk about.

She invited me to write at the magazine. I told her writing alone felt limiting. Could I podcast, organize events, create in-person community.

While there is no such opportunity at the moment, our conversations kept engaging us. Her support led me to agree to write and we decided to record our conversations for Psychology Today's audience. In the absence of a podcast, I store the audio in a video and post it.

In a way we've created the magazine's first podcast: Hara and Josh tackle hot-button issues.

Our first episode of many starts on environmental leadership, then moves to education, and more.

If the video doesn't show below, click here for the recording.

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