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Are Free-Will Deniers Open to Experience? Are Materialists Extrovert? Help us Find out!

Do people endorse a philosophical view because of their temperament?

Could it be that people are attracted to different philosophical views because of their temperament? Could it be, for instance, that extroverts tend to be materialists, while people who are open to new experiences tend to deny the reality of free will?

Justin Sytsma, Jonathan Livengood, Adam Feltz, and I are looking at this question, and we'd like to ask you to help us out!

How? Well, that's easy. Just go the PhilosophicalPersonality website (, and take a free, entirely anonymous personality test, while answering a few questions. It's fun and takes only 5 minutes.

Also, if you want to help us, please, send the link to the PhilosophicalPersonality website to your friends and tell them to send it to their friends!

In addition, you'll learn about yourself! You'll find out whether you are extrovert, open to experience, and so on.


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