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Indian Jugaad Innovation: Think Frugal

Resource optimisation, simplicity, and iterative learning drive success.

Key points

  • The Indian Space Research Organisation's Chandrayaan-3 showcases frugal innovation.
  • Management can learn from ISRO's resource optimisation and collaborative innovation.
  • Jugaad offers practical solutions using readily available materials for everyday problems.

Innovation often conjures images of grand projects and substantial budgets in today's fast-paced management world. However, the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) provides a compelling case study of frugal innovation, a concept known as "Jugaad" in Indian culture. Jugaad represents a resourceful and improvisational approach to problem-solving, emphasising the ability to achieve more with less. ISRO's Chandrayaan-3 mission, India's third lunar exploration endeavor, is a prime example of how limitations can ignite innovative solutions through Jugaad. In this discussion, we delve into ISRO's frugal innovation approach and explore valuable lessons management organisations can incorporate into their strategies.

Chandrayaan-3 and Frugal Innovation

Chandrayaan-3 embodies India's dedication to space exploration while maximising its finite resources. Unlike its predecessor, Chandrayaan-2, which consisted of an orbiter and a lander-rover duo, Chandrayaan-3 focuses solely on the lander-rover module. Its primary goal is to perfect lunar surface landing technology, building on lessons learned from Chandrayaan-2's partial success.

Frugal innovation is at the heart of Chandrayaan-3's approach. ISRO ingeniously leverages its existing infrastructure, technical expertise, and cost-effective practices to streamline the mission. By repurposing components from Chandrayaan-2 and adopting a precise mission objective, ISRO significantly reduces project costs and development timelines. This strategy encapsulates the core principles of Jugaad, emphasising resourcefulness, improvisation, and achieving more with less.

The spirit of Jugaad and the concept of zero, which represents innovative thinking and resourcefulness, was captured back in 628 AD, when Indian mathematician Brahmagupta recognised the potential in "nothingness," naming it "Shunya," and created the symbol "0." This revolutionised mathematics by enabling complex calculations and large numbers, laying the foundation for modern technology. Zero's role in place-value notation and its influence on algebra, calculus, and computer science exemplify how Jugaad thinking drives progress across various fields today, inspiring ongoing innovation.

Lessons for Management Organisations

ISRO's frugal (Jugaad) innovation philosophy offers valuable insights and lessons for global management organisations:

  • Resource optimisation: ISRO's success highlights the importance of resource optimisation. Management organisations can enhance efficiency by re-evaluating existing assets, technologies, and processes. Identifying and repurposing underutilised resources can lead to cost savings and streamlined operations.
  • Simplicity in focus: Chandrayaan-3's concentrated focus on the lander-rover component underscores the power of simplicity. Management organisations can learn to prioritise core objectives, avoid unnecessary complexity, and achieve greater efficiency.
  • Iterative learning: ISRO's iterative approach, informed by Chandrayaan-2's experiences, underscores the importance of learning from setbacks. Management organisations should embrace failures as opportunities for growth, facilitating iterative learning and continuous improvement in their strategies and projects.
  • Innovation mindset: Jugaad embodies an innovation mindset that management organisations can adopt. Encouraging employees to think creatively, adapt to constraints, and find innovative solutions nurtures a culture of innovation. This adaptability equips organisations to thrive in challenging management landscapes.
  • Cross-functional collaboration: ISRO's achievement results from collaboration across diverse departments. Management organisations can benefit from breaking down silos and fostering cross-functional collaboration. When experts from various disciplines collaborate, they can devise holistic solutions that are more impactful and efficient.
  • Affordability and accessibility: Chandrayaan-3 demonstrates how cost-effective solutions enhance accessibility. Management organisations can expand their reach by offering affordable products and services that maintain quality.
  • Long-term vision: ISRO's achievements stem from its long-term vision. Management organisations should emulate this by investing in research, development, and training, even if immediate gains are not apparent. This nurtures sustained success over time.

Ingenious Jugaad Innovation Examples

Jugaad in India is also about solving everyday problems with limited resources. For example, farmers create affordable irrigation systems by repurposing empty plastic bottles as makeshift sprinklers, providing a cost-effective way to water crops. People also use light bulb sockets to charge mobile phones by plugging in charger adaptors, demonstrating innovative use of existing power sources. In hot weather, old bicycle wheels are converted into fan blades by attaching them to motors, offering a simple cooling solution. Pressure cookers are repurposed as sterilisers for medical instruments or baby bottles by utilising steam pressure, showcasing a dual-purpose use of kitchen appliances. Additionally, bamboo tubes filled with sand and charcoal serve as natural water filters, providing a simple and effective method for purifying drinking water. These examples illustrate how Jugaad reflects the ingenuity and adaptability of people in India using readily available materials.

Key Takeaway

ISRO's Chandrayaan-3 mission exemplifies how frugal innovation can lead to remarkable achievements. By repurposing resources, refining objectives, and embracing an innovation mindset, ISRO effectively demonstrates Jugaad's potential. Management organisations can extract pivotal lessons from ISRO's methodology, fostering resource optimisation, promoting innovation, and prioritising iterative learning. As Chandrayaan-3 advances toward the moon with constraints in tow, management organisations can harness the principles of frugal innovation for remarkable success in their projects and strategies.


Tiwari, R., & Herstatt, C. (2012). Innovation and entrepreneurship in India: Understanding Jugaad. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 29(1), 95–120.

Krishnan, R. T. (2010). From Jugaad to systematic innovation: The challenge for India. Bangalore: Utpreraka Foundation.

Das, D. (2019). Institutions and frugal innovation: The case of Jugaad. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 36(3), 707–729.

Radjou, N., Prabhu, J., & Ahuja, S. (2012). Jugaad Innovation: Think Frugal, Be Flexible, and Generate Breakthrough Growth. Jossey-Bass.

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