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Did You Know?

Fast facts on alcohol and nicotine, hearing impairment, the brain
and more.

Dangerous Duo Even just a few nips of alcohol increase the
pleasurable effects of nicotine, according to a new study. The finding
has spurred development of a patch that could help break the mutually
enhancing connection between drinking and smoking. As bartenders may have
long suspected, 80 to 90 percent of alcoholics are also smokers.

Deaf Nation More than 10 million Americans already suffer some
permanent noise-induced hearing loss; about 30 million are exposed to
daily decibel levels that will eventually dent their hearing capacity.
Car alarms, leaf blowers, barking dogs and construction sites are some of
the biggest culprits.

Mars, Venus and the Brain Male and female brains respond
differently when taking in visual images of a sexual nature. In a recent
study, the brain’s emotional control center was much more activated
in males than females who looked at the same pictures and videos. The
discovery could help scientists develop therapeutic measures to help
people overcome sexual addictions.