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Q & A with Steven Pinker

Steven Pinker, Harvard-based proponent of evolutionary psychology,
argues that misconceptions about human nature, such as the idea that we
enter the world a "tabula rasa," may be detrimental to both scientific
inquiry and society as a whole.

Cognitive scientist Steven Pinker comes out swinging in defense of
Darwin with his latest book, The Blank Slate (in paperback this September
from Penguin USA). This Harvard-based proponent of evolutionary
psychology argues that misconceptions about human nature, such as the
idea that we enter the world a "tabula rasa," may be detrimental to both
scientific inquiry and society as a whole.

How can we benefit from an understanding of cognitive science
and evolutionary psychology?

Many of our policies hinge on some notion of human nature.
Education depends on a theory of learning: What do children find natural
and [for what do they] need the assistance of a teacher? Or consider the
criminal justice system:The point of laws is to influence behavior, so
you use a theory of human nature to design laws. Government and social
organization hinge on questions such as whether humans are inherently
selfish or will naturally work for the common benefit.

Will The Blank Slate change the way parents think about their

They might lose the illusion that they can micromanage their
children's personalities. Parents can influence their children in terms
of neighborhood--what peer group they immerse their children in. But many
parents think that whether their child will grow up to be conscientious
or lackadaisical, neurotic or self-confident, depends crucially on how
they're treated in the home. I hope parents would have some skepticism
about those claims.

Why is evolutionary psychology all the rage right

Often, introductory psychology lecturers defiantly tell their
classes, "Everything you've come here to study you will not get in this
course." Topics like love, sexual attraction, religion, work, jealousy,
anger, guilt, morality--all of the things that give life its color--are
omitted from many psychology curricula. Instead, students get a cafeteria
of topics like attention, attitude formation and short-term memory.
Evolutionary psychology addresses, in a scientific way, all of the juicy
topics that have been banished from the psychology curriculum.

What else are you interested in?

Biology, for sure. I like picking up snails and lizards...little
boy stuff. I still like beachcombing, picking up rocks and seeing what
crawls out from underneath.

Where do you do your best thinking?

I think anywhere and everywhere--walking around, in the shower,
bike-riding---which is why I am often so absentminded. But my best ideas
occur to me while writing. I'll start off with something half-baked or
clearly wrong and only get it right when I try to put the idea into

Are you an iconoclast?

I guess I must be, although I'm an iconoclast with a fair number of
allies. I push ideas that I think are not sufficiently appreciated. Often
they come from other people. I'm not--at least I hope I'm not--a lone