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Samantha Boardman M.D.


Samantha Boardman, M.D., is a New York-based positive psychiatrist, professor at Weill Cornell Medical College, and author of Everyday Vitality. She received a B.A. from Harvard University, an M.D. from Cornell University Medical College, completed a four-year residency program in Psychiatry at Weill Cornell Medical College, and earned an additional Master’s degree in Applied Positive Psychology at the University of Pennsylvania. She is the founder of, sharing practical and achievable strategies for life-enhancement and resilience-building, and offering her take on why they matter. Additionally, her work has been featured in Translational Neuroscience, Nature Reviews Neuroscience, The American Journal of Psychiatry, and The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry. She is a frequent contributor to Psychology Today, The Wall Street Journal, and Thrive Global, and a guest on the Today Show and Good Day New York.

Books by Samantha Boardman M.D.
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