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Coral Dando Ph.D.


Coral Dando, Ph.D., is a Professor of Forensic Psychology at the University of Westminster, London. She is a Chartered Scientist, a Chartered Psychologist and Consultant Forensic Psychologist. Prior to returning to education, Coral served over 10 years as a London police officer. Accordingly, her research is heavily influenced by the real-world challenges of criminal investigation and is centered on developing psychologically informed techniques for detecting deception in dynamic, real world security contexts and supporting witnesses and victims of crime to remember and recount their experiences. Coral’s research is funded by the UK and US governments, and she has worked extensively with police, and security organisations worldwide, including the US Dept. of Homeland Security, the FBI, International Criminal Court (The Hague), the Romanian Intelligence Agency, and the UK Centre for the Protection of National Infrastructure. Coral has written in excess of 50 peer reviewed international scientific journal articles and book chapters, and regularly writes for newspapers and social media outlets.

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