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What Can Kids Teach Us About Creative Leadership?

How should we encourage a creative mindset in our kids? Can we learn from them?

Photo by me!
My kids on a recent wild walk (Bracing winds off the Scottish East coast!)
Source: Photo by me!

As we head toward the weekend, many of us will be planning family time. As the father of three girls (8, 10 and 11 years old), I often wonder how best to encourage a creative mindset in the next generation.

A big part of that is letting the kids experiment with the creative process.

As an example, for our upcoming weekend walk, our kids were involved in discussing what kind of experience we wanted (framing the issue and understanding the WHY); searching for inspiration using maps and online sources (gathering insight and information search); suggesting ideas for where we would go and what we would do (generating options) and then arcing back to reference the original aims — choosing and planning the route (idea selection and implementation planning).

We never talk about the process itself — no flip-charts, handouts or PowerPoint presentations; even I am not that bad! — but by doing, I hope they are learning.

For those of us who will be playing with younger kids, this recent research suggests that restricting the number of toys for toddlers, leads to deeper play, longer engagement and more use of imagination.

What lessons might there be for how we design work and lead?

Fewer projects, roles, responsibilities and tasks might encourage deeper engagement and innovation. As we rush from meeting, to project committee, to lunch grabbed at the desk, to a snatched quick message to loved ones, firing off another hasty email, do we really make the time to engage the brain?

Perhaps we (me included) distract ourselves with too many screens, devices, open tabs and windows to think properly. Like the toddlers, too much stimulation and access to information might stop us from properly observing, appreciating, empathizing and creating with purpose.

Some thoughts to ponder for the weekend:

  • How are you encouraging a creative mindset with the children in your life?
  • As a leader or colleague, are you setting the right conditions for invention and innovation - for yourself and for others?

P.S. We are going to Dovedale in the UK Peak District for those that like walking!


Dauch, Carly & Imwalle, Michelle & Ocasio, Brooke & Metz, Alexia. (2018). The influence of the number of toys in the environment on toddlers’ play. Infant Behavior and Development. 50. 78-87. 10.1016/j.infbeh.2017.11.005.

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