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6 Ways to Use Hypnosis for Improved Well-Being

Hypnosis can make it easier to achieve and maintain good health.

Key points

  • Hypnosis can make it easier to reach many goals for achieving and maintaining good health.
  • Hypnosis can facilitate a better exercise routine by helping people enter a relaxed state in which it can seem easier and more doable.
  • Hypnosis can help implement positive thoughts through self-suggestion.

There are many ways to help yourself promote and maintain good health. These include allotting time for sufficient sleep, regular exercise, eating a well-balanced diet, socializing and helping others, challenging your mind with life-long learning, and dealing effectively with stress.

As we embark on a new year, consider setting goals to incorporate many of these approaches into your life. If you need help, you might consider hypnosis, which offers some unique features to help attain these goals.

Better Sleep

People can use hypnosis to help themselves fall asleep more quickly through imagery such as imagining that they are falling asleep in a comfortable place.

Hypnosis can also help people remain asleep through the night by having them envision calm sleep and helping to overcome recurrent nightmares by inviting people to imagine a better ending to such dreams (Anbar, 2021).

Facilitating Exercise

Many people avoid exercise because they find it difficult or boring. Hypnosis can facilitate a better exercise routine by helping people enter a calm, relaxed state in which exercise can seem easier and more doable.

For athletes, hypnosis can be used to more easily reach the “zone” in which exercise seems to flow effortlessly.

Exercising in nature is helpful because spending time outdoors is associated with good feelings and decreased stress. However, if it is not possible to go outside, using hypnosis to imagine being in nature while exercising can also benefit.

Vanessa Loring/Pexels
Source: Vanessa Loring/Pexels

Well-Balanced Diet

Eating healthily is a challenge for many people. Hypnosis can be used in several ways to help.

People who need to eat smaller portions can use their imaginations to feel full and satisfied after meals. They might tell themselves that if they feel hungry before meals, this is a good sign that they ate the right amount during the previous meal.

People who need to eat larger portions can envision how they will feel better once they achieve their goal.

People who dislike the texture or taste of particular foods that should be part of their diet can better tolerate these foods by imagining while they are eating that they are smelling and eating foods that they like.

Socializing and Helping Others

Support from a social network is thought to be essential for good health. Some people have difficulty socializing because of anxiety that arises from a fear of being disliked or judged. Hypnosis can be used to help people better appreciate their self-worth, and therefore they can become less worried about what others might think of them. Also, self-calming with hypnosis while socializing can lead to improved social interactions.

Sometimes it is difficult to physically help others because of distance, financial difficulties, or strained relationships. In such circumstances, hypnosis can project feelings of loving-kindness towards others, empowering feelings that you are doing something worthwhile to help.

Arthur Ogleznev/Pexels
Source: Arthur Ogleznev/Pexels

Life-Long Learning

Using hypnosis to tap into your subconscious allows you to open your mind to knowledge and wisdom that you hadn’t considered previously. Exploring these new thoughts through reading, media, and conversation with others can provide your mind with outstanding stimulation, which helps promote good mental and physical health.

Managing Stress

Hypnosis can help implement positive thoughts through the use of self-suggestion. Such thoughts help reduce stress by prompting you to look differently at life challenges. For example, rather than thinking of the stress that a new job might cause, you might focus on the benefits you might receive once you are successful in your new role.

Through hypnosis, you can teach your body to remain relatively calm during stressful events and thus be less likely to develop health complications. Further, when you use hypnosis regularly to calm yourself, you are practicing self-care, which is essential for maintaining good health.

Finally, through consultation with your subconscious, you might gain insight and perspective regarding how to best deal with stressful events, which will help you better cope.


Anbar, Ran D. 2021. “Changing Children’s Lives with Hypnosis: A Journey to the Center.” Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.

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