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13 Reasons to Love the Winter Season

Learn to make the most out of this time of the year.

Photo by Alex Padurariu on Unsplash
Source: Photo by Alex Padurariu on Unsplash

The colors have faded. The trees are bare. The temperature is dropping. The air is crisp. The little light that you see is magnificent. Nature is hitting pause on growth and so should you.

Yet it's not always easy to remember this. You have a Christmas meal to plan, family visits to coordinate, and presents to buy. Your social calendar might be full of Christmas get-togethers, even with people you barely know. You want to schedule some rest so you can handle it all but instead, you're driving yourself mad trying to get everything on your to-do lists done. The problem is that when one thing gets crossed off, a new thing seems to always get added in.

You're not alone. A lot of people find this time of the year stressful. In fact, some rank the thought of the Christmas season more stressful than that of a burglary. That says a lot! But it doesn't have to be this way. And there is one simple thing that can change it: gratitude.

Gratitude for the change of seasons and how it makes our savoring of life more dynamic. Gratitude for the holiday season and how magical it really is. Gratitude for the winter season and everything it brings with it.

That is why it's time to hit pause on to-dos and press play on perspective. Get out of your head and into your heart to learn to love the winter season a little more. Lower your stress as you smile at the wintery things you can only do now and up your joy by realizing they are only here right now.

To get you going, here are 13 reasons to love the winter season. Be present with them and enjoy the bliss they bring.

  1. The way the ground glitters in the sunshine on a frosty morning.
  2. How cute and cozy you feel in your wool hat with a pom-pom. Naturally, you've always got to have a pom-pom.
  3. Creating a glowing space of hygge with scented candles all around the house.
  4. Sitting under a blanket by the roaring fire in the fireplace. If you don't have one, put a roaring fireplace on from Netflix. It looks so real you can feel the heat and smell the wood.
  5. Drinking infinite cups of herbal tea—especially the Christmas-spiced ones. If you have a hot mug of something in your hand, everything will always feel better.
  6. Wearing comfy knits which make you feel like you're constantly being hugged.
  7. Stargazing in the cold. The frosty nights always bring forth the best stars.
  8. Eating steamy stews. They fill your heart with warmth and they're also straightforward to make.
  9. Wearing woolly slippers that make you feel like you're walking on fluffy clouds. Your pup might also enjoy the fluff and sneak a nibble every now and then.
  10. Drinking a glass of mulled wine at the Christmas markets. The festive ambiance is grounding.
  11. Practically living in the winter boots that keep you comfy and dry no matter the weather.
  12. Making snow angels. Throwing snowballs. Going tobogganing. Taking a snowy hike.
  13. Wearing your favorite pieces from your winter wardrobe. Like the cape coat. Or the humongous burgundy scarf that is big enough to be worn as a coat.

Now it's your turn. What are your favorite things about the winter season? Reflect on that now and whenever you need a pick-me-up. You might find yourself breaking out into a smile as you face your days and realize there is so much to love about exactly where you are.

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