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Coronavirus Disease 2019

Improving Boredom and Isolation With More Connection

A creative list for social engagement and purposeful activity during COVID-19.

Source: Mish Vizesi/Unsplash
Source: Mish Vizesi/Unsplash

The COVID-19 pandemic has put a halt to traditional social gatherings. So the question of how individuals can maintain social and familial relationships without physical contact is a pressing one. Public health officials have urged individuals to limit their social contact as much as possible; encouraging people to stay home except for essential workers, outings for groceries, pharmacy pick-ups if needed, and exercise. These are necessary safety restrictions, but they come at an emotional price as individuals experience increasing feelings of loneliness, anxiety, and/or sadness. To help soothe these emotions, we have composed a list of safe ways to socialize with loved ones and stay entertained.

  • Watch a movie together on Netflix, utilizing “Netflix Party,” which allows users to watch a program at the same time and includes a chat section.
  • Play online video games with friends.
  • Play online board games—Scrabble, Chess, Boggle, Yahtzee—or regular board games with people in your home.
  • Start (or join) an online book club.
  • Have an online wine tasting party—everyone brings a different bottle "to the table" and shares their opinion of it and what it pairs nicely with. Recipes and links to purchase the bottle can be shared.
  • Make a big batch of something (cookies, soup, stew, etc.) and do a food swap—leaving items at someone's doorstep or with their doorman while maintaining safe social distance.
  • Learn a new language and practice your new skills through online conversations/pen pals.
  • Take an online workout class "together."
  • Create a group journal to share your individual experiences.
  • Offer to run an errand for someone immunocompromised.
  • If you have talents (art, music, yoga), consider offering an online class.
  • Create a group poem or song, and have each person add to the content. Perhaps have several versions.
  • Make homemade cards and mail them to loved ones.
  • Create an online game where you match your friend to their baby photo. Pick one person to be the photo collector and create the game for the rest of the group.
  • Create a music playlist that you can share with others; or a group playlist that everyone adds to.
  • Join a chat app that allows you to connect with others who may be struggling with loneliness during this time—Quarantine Chat, Houseparty.
  • Write letters to your loved ones, online options include Postable, Greetabl.
  • Reach out to people whom you have lost touch with to re-establish connections and perhaps enjoy sharing fond memories of your time together.
  • If you live with other people try spending quality time with them by working on projects together, cooking together, watching a movie, playing cards, etc.
  • Schedule social time in your calendar so it remains a priority and something to look forward to.
  • Have an online dance party.
  • Build a garden. Whether indoor near a window, or outdoors in a yard or balcony, gardening can help you bond with those that you are staying with, or if alone, connect you with nature and give you a bountiful harvest to share with others when you can.

Co-authored by Khadega Wzaky.

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