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Program Your GPS: Where Do I Find My Sweet Spot?

Don't live your life choosing what's face out in the aisles of life.

Your Sweet Spot is where your passion meets your purpose. It’s the thing that you love to do that comes easy to you. It’s where your biggest gifts are. For some of us who believe that the harder we work, the more worthy we are as human beings, we can easily be fooled by what our biggest gifts are. Sometimes our biggest gifts are those things that come as easy to us as falling off a log.

Imagine one day you have some extra time on your hand. You go to the local Target or Wal-Mart and get out a cart and wander around the store. You pull things off the shelves that look attractive to you and put them in your cart. When its time to check out, you have a very large bill and lots of new stuff.

Most people shop recreationally every now and then. The problem is that this is how some people live their whole lives. They have no idea what they are looking for and they just go after whatever is in front of them and looks attractive in the moment.

What if after you get home from Target you realize what you really want is a bike. Now you’ve wasted lots of time and money on things you might not really want or need like a whole new wardrobe and a new selection of books and movies that you bought mostly because they faced forward on the end of the aisles.

That’s not nearly as big a tragedy if you get to the end of your life and realize that almost every choice you made was driven not by who you really are, what you are really good at and what you really wanted, but instead by what was readily available and seemed interesting at the time.

Some people choose their jobs this way. Some people choose their relationships this way.

Step one to finding your sweet spot is going to be for you to figure out what you want. This will help you focus and concentrate. Your task for this week is to write a list of things you have recently figured out you don’t want. Then write out the opposite of what you don't want. This is a good place to start.

You can also look at each thing you don't want and write a list of all the problems with that thing. Then come up with a new answer. For example, I don't want a job in a cubicle. The things that are wrong with that is that I want to be active and to move around, and engage face to face with people. Now you are closer to figuring out where you want to go. Ask three people you know to help you create a long list of jobs where you can move around and be face to face with people. You might consider being a physical therapist, a salesperson, or a videographer.

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