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Readers Ask Susan Cain: What Inspired “Quiet”?

"I think I've been living this book all my life"

Quiet Revolution
Source: Quiet Revolution

Have a question for our Chief Revolutionary? Email us via the Contact Susan page. You can also ask via Twitter with the hashtag #AskSusanCain.

SUSAN CAIN is the co-founder of Quiet Revolution LLC, a company dedicated to unlocking the power of introverts for the benefit of us all. Quiet Revolution has now launched! Susan is the author of the award-winning New York Times bestseller QUIET: The Power of Introverts in A World That Can’t Stop Talking, and her record-smashing TED talk has been viewed over 10 million times. Sign up here to receive updates about the Quiet Revolution. Follow Susan here by clicking the yellow FOLLOW button, on Twitter @susancain, and on Facebook.

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 9 Best-Loved Stories by Susan Cain
Source: The Power of Introverts: 9 Best-Loved Stories by Susan Cain
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