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What Are Family Terrorism Networks?

Family structures are very influential in potential terrorist participation.

Dean Alexander
Source: Dean Alexander

By Dean Alexander

Family terror networks involve two or more people from the same clan who support the threat or use of terrorism. Kin terrorism has appeared across diverse views from religiously motivated precepts to national liberation, and from hate-based ideologies to other viewpoints. Family structures enable higher instances of conversion to radical beliefs given the imprimatur of credibility and trust that attaches within the family unit as opposed to unaffiliated networks.

This subset of terrorists comprises a full range of socioeconomic, racial, religious, ethnic, national origin, and foreign-affinity ties. Terrorists aligned with hierarchical and network groups and unaffiliated cabals are represented in this form of terrorism as well. Family affiliated terrorists include group leaders, operational cadres and active and passive supporters. They use terror tactics including bombings and gunfire, among others.

Noteworthy family-linked terrorist attacks in the U.S. include Boston Marathon bombers, San Bernardino attackers, and two sets of brothers who performed as hijackers on 9/11. Additionally, three cousins participated in the 9/11 incidents. Also, family affiliated terrorist actions have taken place globally. The cabal involved in the 2002 Bali terror bombings plots included three brothers. A fourth brother spent three years in prison for terror offenses unrelated to the Bali attacks.

More recently, French nationals and brothers Brahim and Salah Abdeslam participated in the November 2015 Paris attacks. Other instances of family connected terrorism abroad include the August 2017 jihadi terror cabal in Spain, which consisted of multiple sets of brothers, as did the terror family links in the jihadi-inspired May 2017 Manchester suicide bombing. In May 2018, two jihadi-aligned families were responsible for a series of suicide bombings in Surabaya, Indonesia, targeting churches and law enforcement.

Family networks afford exposure to terrorist ideology, recruitment, funding, training, and operational opportunities more easily than those outside the family structure. From their private setting, family members disseminate doctrine, culture, and grievances to their kin. These trusted family voices might engender cohesion and unity of purpose while inciting hostility against external threats. The family’s target could be government, industry, nonprofits, nongovernmental organizations or the public.

Still, the belief system, values, power, control, and capabilities based in a family can afford member participants achievable terror operations. Abandonment of terror plans in a family cell is less likely because it brings shame and dishonor to the family member.

Family terror networks are important. Households are an integral part of traditional social networks. This paradigm allows radicalization and recruitment to occur in a setting of trust, confidence, and privacy. Even after detection of a kin-linked terror cell, deradicalization and disengagement programs may not succeed as family members may impede participation.

Competing or incompatible opinions have trouble piercing the family network’s ideological wall with outside viewpoints. Trust ties arising from friendship, religious institutions, and schools are less sustained than family ties. It is improbable that kin will abandon their terrorist activities when extremism was sourced at home. Frequently, vocalizing concerns about engaging in terrorism is barred within a familial terror cell.

The zeal and skills gained through a family setting are magnified more than otherwise. Household members can teach the best practices of extremism to others. This radicalism exploits the trust and security features that exist in households.

People do embrace extremism despite not being introduced to such ideas at home. Yet, my research of over 100 cases proffers that family terror links appear in radicalism more willingly and thoroughly than those without kinship. Indeed, family structures are very influential in potential terrorist participation.

Dean C. Alexander is professor/director of the Homeland Security Research Program at Western Illinois University and author of the new book, Family Terror Networks.

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