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Donna Barstow
Donna Barstow

What Would a Talking Mirror Say to You?

Talking mirrors are back in vogue.

© Donna Barstow All Rights Reserved
Source: © Donna Barstow All Rights Reserved

[EDITED - to add wry new link.]

My last cartoon was about what qualities to look for in a man you might have sex with.

Today's cartoon is all about you. Ad campaigns say that a lot, as if it's a good thing. Yet the chatter in the media is very vocal about the dangers of narcissists, and how to identify one of "them." In fact, this is such a popular topic that Google has actually posted a Google doc with the symptoms.

Common symptoms: grandiosity, callous and unemotional traits, disregard for others' feelings, excessive need for admiration, receptor antagonist, or social isolation

I think we can all breathe a sigh of relief that we might know a narcissist or two, but we aren't one ourselves.

I could not resist adding this link: Narcissistic men and women think they are so hot...but they are not. Who says?

Narcissus fell in love with his reflection in the water, and killed himself because he couldn't have the reflection. The Evil Queen in Snow White tried to commit murder. But before that she was more practical and asked her talking mirror every day, "Magic mirror in my hand, who is the fairest in the land?" The mirror always replied: "My Queen, you are the fairest in the land."

Until Snow White comes along, and then the mirror says Snow White is the most beautiful, and the Queen goes, Oh, darn, and bad stuff happens.

But here's the important part of the story: the Queen trusts what the mirror says, because it's always completely honest.

I've noticed that one mirror in my house always makes me look better than any other mirror. So which mirror should I trust?

And what does your mirror say to you?

All Rights Reserved. Content including cartoon © Donna Barstow Cartoons 2016. I upload new cartoons on Facebook, so please follow! Please contact me for usage rights and fees for cartoons in any of your projects or books.

Check out my books: Love Me or Go to Hell: True Love Cartoons, and What do Women Really Want? Chocolate!

Next cartoon: Am I an idiot to buy Mystery Boxes?

About the Author
Donna Barstow

Donna Barstow is a cartoonist, whose work has appeared in The New Yorker, USA Today, The Wall Street Journal, among other publications.

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