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Final Analysis: January 2 - Reality Bites!

Failed New Year's resolutions.

Caricatures of celebrities at New Years

Go on—light that cigarette, drink that martini, eat that cupcake, and hang some clothes to dry on that treadmill! You're only human. And to prove it, here's a quick history of failed New Year's resolutions.

Casanova: Find Ms. Right.

Ann Coulter: Find Mr. Extreme Right.

e.e.cummings: get "caps" key fixed.

René Descartes: Stop overthinking things.

Amelia Earhart: Walk more.

The Brothers Grimm: Lighten up; they're kids.

Lady Godiva: Do the laundry.

Sigmund Freud: Don't giggle when delivering conference paper on penis envy.

Henry VIII: Find a wife with a good head on her shoulders.

Niccolo Machiavelli: Wish coworkers a sincere "Happy Birthday."

René Magritte: Get real.

Suze Orman: Splurge! Buy shoes without getting a second pair free!

Sarah Palin: Prepare for 2010 presidential race.

Pablo Picasso: Get eyeglasses.

Keith Richards: Stop doing drugs.

B.F. Skinner: Think outside the box.

Keith Richards: Stop doing drugs on Tuesdays.

Jane Goodall: Get this monkey off my back.

Jack the Ripper: Stop taking life so serially.