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Verified by Psychology Today


Reviews several Web sites in the U.S. Information provided by the
Web site of the Northern County Psychiatric Associates in Baltimore,
Maryland; Features of the BrainSource Web site; Description of the Web
site of the Stress Illness Diagnostic Clinic.

Clinical depression isn't for adults only--children who are under
stress, experience loss or have attention, learning or conduct disorders
are also at high risk. On this site, a team of experts at Northern County
Psychiatric Associates in Baltimore provides extensive information on
distinguishing between the depressed behavior of children and teenagers
and that of afflicted adults. They also discuss various treatments and
offer links to facts about other psychological disorders and treating

Concerned about your brain's fitness and function? Check out
BrainSource, the one-stop metasource devoted exclusively to
neuropsychology. Neuropsychologist, Dennis P. Swiercinsky, Ph.D.,
provides the latest research on how to maximize your mind's functionality
and creativity. You'll also find information on neurological disorders
and the rehabilitation of brains that have been damaged by stress and
drugs. And for those intrigued by the criminal mind, click on the links
to articles about forensic psychology.

Sick of being stressed? These overwhelming feelings may also make
you sick, according to David D. Clarke, M.D., founder of the Stress
Illness Diagnostic Clinic. His site investigates psychosomatic illnesses,
with emphasis on post traumatic stress disorder, chemical imbalances and
childhood stress. Clarke discusses how these and other traumas may create
medical symptoms, and he includes tips for management techniques and a
questionnaire to help evaluate individual stress levels.

If you're interested in better understanding your aptitudes,
attitudes and personality--or those of loved ones or potential
employees--take one of the hundreds of tests available here. Developed by
a team of experienced psychologists, statisticians and programmers, the
quick quizzes evaluate a number of traits, including personality,
intelligence and career skills. More than 30 of the tests are free, and
they're all instantly scored and interpreted online.