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Katherine S. van Wormer M.S.S.W., Ph.D.


Katherine Stuart van Wormer grew up in New Orleans and was active in civil rights movements in North Carolina and Northern Ireland, where she was an English teacher. She got her Ph.D. in sociology with an expertise on women in prison, taught criminal justice, and later returned to graduate school to become a social worker. Dr. van Wormer practiced alcoholism counseling in the U.S. and Norway and has recently retired as a professor of social work at the University of Northern Iowa. She is the author and co-author of over 20 books on various topics related to human behavior, addictions, female offenders, and domestic homicide. Her favorite book, because of its personal nature, is The Maid Narratives: Black Domestics and White Families in the Jim Crow South, 2012. Her most recent books are Addiction Treatment, A Strengths Perspective (2024, co-authored with Diane R. Davis), Women and the Criminal Justice System (2021, co-authored with C.Bartollas), and Social Work and Social Welfare: A Human Rights Foundation (2018, co-authored with Rosemary Link).

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