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Verified by Psychology Today

Cornelius Holmes LPC


Neal Holmes LPC is an administrator, therapist in private practice, motivational and keynote speaker, and mental health consultant, With five years of therapeutic experience and teaching graduate mental health students, Neal Holmes works with clients and organizations to empower them to make the changes that they wish to see in themselves and within their organizations. He engages in community outreach work with a passion, and he creates strategies in therapy and in his consulting work to help his clients effectively strengthen and elevate their goals to new heights.

With over ten years of education experience in K-12 administration with secondary and collegiate teaching experience, he enjoys engaging in meaningful conversations with audiences and has an insatiable appetite for helping others maximize their potential. Neal takes pride in treating others with dignity and respect to ensure that his clients are heard and validated.

Some of Neal’s accomplishments include being published in the Journal of Humanistic Counseling, receiving the ACES award for exemplary service from UPMC, and receiving the Robert Reed Award from Carlow University as well as the Graduate Teaching Award from Carlow University in 2022.

When not working or traveling, Neal can be found creating delicious meals, meditating, spending time with family, friends, and his husband, reading, traveling, working out, and playing with their Cavalier King Charles Spaniel named Bingo.

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