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Amanda Ann Gregory, LCPC


Amanda Ann Gregory, LCPC, is a trauma psychotherapist, national speaker, and author. She holds licenses in the states of Illinois, Texas, and Missouri, as well as an EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) Certification, and a National Counselor Certification. Gregory has provided individual, group, and family therapy for more than a dozen years in outpatient and residential settings, and is currently in private practice in Chicago. Her work has appeared in Psychotherapy Networker, Happiful Magazine, Addiction Professional, Adoption Today, All Creatures, Highlights Magazine, and New Therapist Magazine.

Gregory has served as a presenter for clinical conferences, employee trainings, and community events and has spoken for the ACA (American Counseling Association), the NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness), the Missouri Department of Mental Health, the Missouri School Counselor Association, Prevent Child Abuse Illinois, and the Missouri Association of Marriage and Family Therapy.

On her website, she offers free articles, audio blogs, and videos about understanding, navigating, and healing complex trauma.

Books by Amanda Ann Gregory, LCPC
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