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Nourish Your Brain in Five Minutes a Day

Circulation to your brain can transform your life.

Your quality of life depends on the circulation in your brain.

To thrive, your brain needs a huge amount of oxygen and glucose — even more than your muscles while running. A drop in circulation can hurt your mood and your decision-making skills. You benefit enormously when you improve circulation to your brain.

A well-nourished brain is effectively what makes us human. Chimpanzees send less blood to their brains, because they need more in their muscles and intestines. Their raw diet requires so much foraging and processing that it uses up most of their survival energy. When humans started cooking food, they freed up energy that went to the brain.

But we have to sustain that flow to fully access our powers.

If you were disabled and couldn’t walk, it would be hard to stimulate your circulation. I recently discovered a piece of equipment that mimics walking for disabled bodies. This “Quadriciser” has produced amazing results where there was a poor prognosis, simply by stimulating circulation (more info).

Do you sit for long periods?

Even people who exercise vigorously often do. This shrinks blood flow to your brain, restricting vital oxygen and glucose. You can do something about this immediately.

Just lean over now, and let your head hang between your knees. You can feel the benefit immediately. It only takes ten seconds.

author's photo
Source: author's photo

Why not commit to doing this every fifteen minutes? Relax your hips, abdomen, shoulders, and throat as you do it. You will instantly feel your breath deepen, which means a revitalizing flow to your brain. You can enhance the experience by putting your hands on the flood. Ten seconds is plenty.

What will people think if they see you do this?

They will think you are committed to self-care.
They will think you must have a good reason and want to know it.
They will think they better do it too.

Why wouldn’t they?

We are lucky to have a brain with enormous reserve power. You can tap into this reserve power right now. Why wouldn’t you?

Are you waiting for the person at the next desk to do it first?

Do you dismiss self-care because you expect “the system” to take care of you?

Maybe you are worried about doing it “right.” It’s not easy to relax your hips, abdomen, shoulders, and throat all at once is this position. But if you start now, it will soon become automatic.

You have the power to improve your energy, your mood, your decision-making, your information-processing skills, your coordination, and your memory simply by leaning over and giving your brain a circulation boost. You are probably starting to do it right now.

For a fast, natural approach to stress-relief, check out my new book, ANXIETY: What turns it on. What turns it off.

More from Loretta G. Breuning Ph.D.
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