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Thought Seeds—Why Every Thought Matters

Are you kind to yourself? You believe everything you say to yourself.

When you put an apple seed in the ground you expect an apple tree to grow, right? In fact, you not only expect it, you know it will grow. This is so because nature follows the divine law without questioning it: ‘what is sowed is received'. As we grow up, we seem to forget that our thoughts are just like the seeds in nature and that our thoughts are ‘things' in creation.

The laws that conduct nature are identical to the laws that govern thought. Every thought is like a seed that manifests in our reality. Every single one.

If you had a garden, would you not be careful about the seeds you plant in the soil? Would you not choose beforehand which trees and plants you want to grow in your garden? You would not choose to plant stinging nettles and poison ivy… would you?

Well, we are subconsciously and consciously planting stinging and poisonous thoughts every day in our minds. Instead of planning our ‘garden' by visualizing and imagining our desires, wishes and dreams, we let false suggestions from the ‘outside world' decide what we are going to occupy our mind with.

You are always giving your attention to something. Pay attention to what. What you focus your mind on, grows.

We let others tell us what to worry about, be afraid of, feel lack from, cry over and stress about. And we allow the wrong seeds to take root and grow, watering them with more fear and worry. Remember that what you focus your mind on, grows. So think about what kind of reality you are habitually cultivating in your ‘garden'.

In fact, it is not at all strange that we feel victimized and out of control in our lives, because that is exactly what we ignorantly agree to when we let others plan and design our ‘garden'. By choosing to see our reality through the lens of the mass media, politics and corporate economic thinking, we have given up our innate and natural power to decide what kind of experiences we want to fill our lives with. We allow negative sources from the outside to define our inner world.

Since we are constantly creating our own reality, the least we can do is start being observant of what we are creating. Is your garden a creative, inviting, ever-changing field or is it just a habitually repetitive place?

Are you kind to yourself? Can you relax in your garden? Is it a beautiful, luscious oasis? Do you have time to enjoy your garden? How is love expressed there? What kinds of games are being played there?

You are the master of your thoughts. Be careful what you allow into your mind, because you believe everything you say to yourself.

You are the one choosing what you think about and project into your reality. You are the one deciding what kind of reality you want to grow in your garden. Is it going to be your fears and worries or your desires and passions?

You are here to explore the beauty of being a creative human being. You are here to explore your desires and joys. You are here to breathe and grow in your garden.

By being consciously aware of your power to choose your thoughts and what you want to create, you can make this garden your own Eden.

You are the Gardener, so plant your ‘thought seeds' consciously.

About the Author
Gordana Biernat

Gordana Biernat, M.A., is the author of “#KnowTheTruth—Why Knowing Who You Are Changes Everything” and a SuperSoul Teacher on Oprah’s SuperSoul100 list of most awakened leaders and visionaries.

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