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Screen Time Went Up During the Pandemic

What do young people need now?

Key points

  • Entertainment screen time has increased in the last two years.
  • Placing the burden on parents or teenagers doesn’t reflect the scale and scope of the challenge to decrease screen time.
  • Identifying key trends in screen time use helps us identify emerging areas of concern and opportunity.

Anybody who parented through the pandemic would be the first to report that screen time went up in the last two years. Now we have the data to back this up.

The latest report from Common Sense Media confirms what many of us know intuitively: Entertainment media use grew faster in the last two years than it did in the four years before the pandemic. While many of us didn’t think it was possible to cram more entertainment screen time into our waking hours, we somehow managed to do so in 2021.

 SDI Productions / Canva
Source: SDI Productions / Canva

How much exactly? This means that tweens spend a whopping five and a half hours a day with entertainment media, and teens now spend the equivalent of a long workday with their devices. They clock in at over eight hours a day.

Of course, rough “screen time” measures only tell us part of the story. Learning more about specific digital habits among young people allows us to identify specific areas of strength and vulnerability that shape outcomes.

For example, an earlier report illuminated the many ways young people used media to learn, create, connect, and access much-needed mental health support during the pandemic. That said, broad screen time trends are still important. They help us identify emerging areas of concern and opportunity.

A few highlights from the latest report include:

  • Tweens and teens don’t want to imagine life without YouTube. While young people still spend a lot of time gaming and social media, YouTube is now the top site that tweens and teens say they wouldn’t want to live without.
  • Social media use is growing among younger tweens. Nearly 40 percent of eight to twelve-year-olds have used social media and spend more time in these spaces than before the pandemic. This is significant given that these platforms are not built with tweens in mind.
  • Teens have conflicted feelings about social media. Even though they spend a good portion of their day there, only one-third of 13-18-year-olds say they enjoy using social media “a lot.” It appears that their ambivalence has grown alongside their use.
  • Both screen use and access to technology continue to vary by gender, race, and income. There is significant variation in both use of and access to technology. For example, children in higher-income households have more access to computers than those in lower-income households.

At the same time, tweens in lower-income households spend nearly three hours more with entertainment media per day than those in higher-income households. This is a reminder that both the digital divide and opportunity gaps are alive and well, accelerating online inequities.

  • More teens want to spend time together in person than before the pandemic. While adults often worry that “online-only” friends will crowd out offline connections, it appears that most teens would rather hang out in person. Nearly half of teens express wanting to socialize in person more often than before the pandemic.

What now, what next?

In many ways, the broad increases in media use are not surprising, given the pandemic disruptions to our routines in real life. That said, even after many schools had opened up again this past year, we didn’t see screen time drop significantly.

Even if 2022 shows a drop in tech use, tech use will still dominate teens’ free time. This is the time to get serious about digital wellbeing.

Here are three places to start:

Let’s show up as the digital mentors our kids desperately need.

If there was ever a time to step meaningfully into the digital lives of tweens and teens, this is it. Not just to protect them from harm but to ensure that we invest in the biggest protective factor of all: Our ability to stay connected with kids as their digital worlds expand.

Our kids need digital mentors who can practice both/and think regarding well-being and media use. They need us to hold social media platforms accountable and teach individual coping skills. They need us to delight in their digital strengths and watch for signs of struggle. They need us to take an interest in their favorite YouTubers and draw essential boundaries that protect:

  • Sleep
  • Downtime
  • Focus
  • Connection

Let’s create and invest in digital spaces that center on adolescent well-being.

Most young people have positive or at the very least neutral experiences online. But often, this is despite, not because of, the ways these platforms are designed. Platforms built for clicks and for-profit do not do enough to encourage well-being or reduce the potential for harm.

Indeed, current studies generally show minimal direct effects of social media on mental health. Even pandemic-specific studies don’t provide strong support that overall changes in adolescent well-being during the pandemic were driven by social technology use.

This reinforces the idea that the relationship between social media and mental health can’t be explained by simple “dose effect” conventions. Instead, it’s complicated. That’s why we need more research that explores why some teens experience more benefits or harms than others. For example, a recent study found that there may be specific developmental windows (namely, the start of puberty and after graduating high school) where teens may be most sensitive to the effects of social media.

Young people shouldn’t be an afterthought in the design of spaces where they spend most of their free time. Instead, designing platforms to support vulnerable subgroups and putting equity at the center of that design benefits us all. Tweens and teens benefit when we engage them in these conversations.

We can:

  • Activate awareness about how the business model depends upon their time and attention.
  • Explain that outside pressure can work to create change even in powerful industries.
  • Ask how they might redesign platforms to support mental health, affirm identities, and build community.

Let’s create and invest in bridging spaces that center on adolescent well-being.

Too often, we focus on reducing screen time without increasing access to spaces where all teens can gather and grow. Digital mentors aren’t just at home. They are in libraries, youth centers, classrooms, and neighborhoods.

The pandemic taught us that young people and their families rely on support systems to thrive. When our safety and support nets disappear, this only accelerates opportunity gaps among youth. Evidence shows that connected learning environments that bridge personal interests to meaningful relationships and real-world opportunities help close those gaps.

Kids rely on adults to build accessible bridges between their online interests and offline opportunities to connect and collaborate. Let’s start building more of them.

Parents and teens deserve the support of our human networks too.

The data are in. Our kids are spending more and more of their time in socially networked spaces online. We know that we have tremendous power and influence within our relationships and our own homes.

However, placing the entire burden on parents or teenagers doesn’t reflect the scale and scope of the challenge. It also limits our collective imagination about what’s possible for teens and tweens online and offline. So let’s also look up from our own devices towards collective solutions to digital wellbeing.


Ito, Mizuko, Richard Arum, Dalton Conley, Kris Gutiérrez, Ben Kirshner, Sonia Livingstone, Vera Michalchik, William Penuel, Kylie Peppler, Nichole Pinkard, Jean Rhodes, Katie Salen Tekinbaş, Juliet Schor, Julian Sefton-Green, and S. Craig Watkins. 2020. The Connected Learning Research Network: Reflections on a Decade of Engaged Scholarship. Irvine, CA: Connected Learning Alliance.

Ito, Mizuko, Candice Odgers, Stephen Schueller, Jennifer Cabrera, Evan Conaway, Remy Cross, and Maya Hernandez. 2020. Social Media and Youth Wellbeing: What We Know and Where We Could Go. Irvine, CA: Connected Learning Alliance.

Lenhart, A. & Owens, K. (2021). The Unseen Teen: The Challenges of Building Health Tech for Young People. Data & Society.

Orben, A., Przybylski, A.K., Blakemore, SJ. et al. Windows of developmental sensitivity to social media. Nat Commun 13, 1649 (2022).

Charmaraman, L., Lynch, A. D., Richer, A. M., & Zhai, E. (2022). Examining Early Adolescent Positive and Negative Social Technology Behaviors and Well-Being During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Technology, Mind, and Behavior, 3(1: Spring 2022).

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