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Jeff Hamilton
Jeff Hamilton

Maroon 5 Pop Star Come Out About ADD

The condition does not just disappear when you reach adulthood.

I love it when public people like Adam Levine come out publicly about their ADD..... "Maroon 5′s lead singer Adam Levine, talked last week about being diagnosed with ADHD as a teenager and

discovering that the condition does not just disappear when you reach adulthood. Adam said, "As I got older, I thought my ADHD had gone away. Eventually, I realized it was something that was still there. I was able to work with my doctor to help manage my ADHD symptoms."

Now Adam is helping to promote a new national USA awareness campaign for adults aimed at those previously diagnosed or those that find their lives in turmoil who may have undiagnosed ADHD. Adam added, "This campaign is important to me because it can help young adults and adults realize that there's a chance they may still have ADHD if they had it as a kid."

The campaign called "Own It" has an online test in the form of a short quiz to help young adults and adults realise symptoms they may have such as impulsivity, inattention and hyperactivity. They can then seek help from their doctor should the test result recommend it. The online quiz takes less than a minute to complete and is endorsed by the main USA ADD/ADHD organizations CHADD and ADDA.

Both CHADD and ADDA released the following statement about the campaign: "There is a common perception among many young adults and adults that you can outgrow the ADHD you were diagnosed with as a child or adolescent. However, it is important for them to understand that this is not always the case and that the disorder can continue into adulthood. The symptoms may even present differently. We commend Adam Levine for sharing his personal story and hope it will inspire others previously diagnosed with ADHD as a kid to take an online quiz and talk with their doctor about how ADHD symptoms may be affecting them as a young adult or adult."

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About the Author
Jeff Hamilton

Jeff Hamilton writes about the challenges of living with Adult Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD).

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