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The Next Day

Last night I had the strangest dream...

(That subtitle to be sung to the tune of Matthew Wilder's '80's hit, "Break My Stride")

For all who wished me well going into my final days with Ms. Analyst, I just wanted to say: I am in one piece today, so yes, there is life after analysis.

It was quite a final session -- maybe the fastest 45 minutes of my life. I'm kind of washing up on the beach today, but I'll deliver a full report on it, and what's coming after as soon as I'm ready. Hopefully next week.

Last night I had a dream. In it, the Analysand Family suddenly up and moved from NYC to Los Angeles. Instead of our apartment, now there was a California suburban house, a front yard, a car, boxes to unpack, a next-door neighbor with a scruffy beard who had once attended film school - and a sudden realization that I had to tell all of my friends and business partners that I had just moved to the other side of the country.

I felt surprised to be there. Why had I left the only city that I've ever really loved? But I also felt open to, and increasingly excited for, the change.

There are myriad meanings, I think. It was one of those dreams you expect to remember for a long time.

-- Mr. Analysand

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