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A Song of Psychoanalysis

Does this sound therapeutic to you?

Obviously, here on Psychology Today, we like to read about therapy, and talk about it with our analysts and each other.

But there must be other ways to communicate the experience of analysis. How do we paint altogether different pictures of this uniquely compelling experience?

In addition to primary practice as a writer, I've always had music in my life. To let off some extra creative steam, I record, produce and perform as Impossible Objects. And not surprisingly, along the way, I became interested in how to portray my fascinating psychoanalytic experience in a musical fashion.

The result is a tune I've had up on my MySpace site for a little while now called "Averted Gaze". I could say a lot about it right now, but I'm hoping you'll click here to give it a listen first (and feel free to buy it on iTunes if you'd like!) - I'll write more details in a week or two. For now, this song is my alternate way of expressing something about life in analysis -- the time I spend inside the pod with Ms. Analyst and far beyond.

Do you hear what I hear? And what's your therapy song? Leave a comment and please share a link to your most therapeutic muses - maybe we can all sing along. - Mr. Analysand

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