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The Joy of Less: Finding Freedom in Lowering Your Expectations

Unraveling the paradox of high expectations and their impact on happiness.

Image by Наталия Когут from Pixabay
Source: Image by Наталия Когут from Pixabay

Have you ever worked tirelessly towards a goal, only to feel a sense of "meh" when you finally achieved it? Perhaps you've noticed that others who've reached the pinnacles of success (the Ivy League graduate, the wealthy neighbor, the high-powered executive) aren't always as ecstatic as you'd imagine.

I'm going to propose something a bit controversial, so hear me out: Our expectations often hold us back from experiencing true joy.

The Illusion of "Happily Ever After"

We often attach a "happily ever after" narrative to our goals. We believe that once we get that promotion, buy that dream house, or reach that ideal weight, we'll finally be happy. But, life rarely unfolds as we envision.

Why Expectations Can Be a Double-Edged Sword

Let's consider a few examples:

  • Birthdays: Remember that childhood excitement about presents? That fleeting joy upon opening them? The novelty often fades quickly.
  • Dream School: Visit a prestigious university campus. Are the students overflowing with elation? More likely, they’re focused on their next challenge.
  • Dream Home: That stunning mansion on the hill? The owners have probably grown accustomed to it. It's just a house.
  • Parenthood: The anticipation of having a child is often replaced with the reality of sleepless nights and endless responsibilities.

When our expectations are met, we often feel a sense of "breaking even," not exceeding them. And when they're not met? Disappointment sets in. This creates a lose-lose scenario.

High expectations often lead to suffering. Our minds crave certainty, and when life throws us a curveball, we get upset, frustrated, and even angry.

Shifting Our Mindset: The Joy of Less and Embracing the Unexpected

I'm not suggesting we abandon all expectations. Goals are important for motivating us and giving us direction. But it's crucial to be realistic and understand that life rarely adheres to our meticulously crafted plans.

Imagine a wedding where everything goes perfectly according to plan. It might be a beautiful day, but it might also feel a bit... predictable. Now, imagine a wedding where unexpected things happen – a guest spills wine, the band plays a quirky song, a child photobombs the couple's photo. These moments, while not part of the "perfect" plan, often become the most cherished memories.

Flowing With Life's Twists and Turns

Life is an adventure, full of unexpected twists and turns. When we release our grip on rigid expectations, we can learn to flow with the current, embracing the unexpected with curiosity and resilience.

Consider the Olympian who expected to win five gold medals but only wins two. They stand on the podium, disappointed. Beside them, another athlete celebrates a bronze medal with unbridled joy, having surpassed their own expectations.

The Joy of the Unknown

When we keep our expectations in check, we open ourselves up to the joy of the unknown. Life becomes a series of delightful surprises, both big and small.

Finding Happiness in the Journey, Not Just the Destination

Instead of fixating on the end goal, find joy in the process. If your path takes an unexpected detour, it might lead you to something even more fulfilling than you could have imagined.

Less Expectation, More Adventure

Let's not let our expectations rob us of the wonder and excitement that life has to offer. By embracing the unexpected, we can turn life's challenges into adventures and find joy in the journey, not just the destination.

More from Robert Puff Ph.D.
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