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Happy Independence Day

I wish you a Happy Independence Day!

Happy Independence Day!

Independence. What a wonderful word. In 1776, the colonies declared their independence from the British Empire. As time progressed, the United States would become a world power.

In the film Independence Day (1996) the entire world united to fight off a common enemy-invading aliens. Perhaps a common enemy to the entire world is the only thing that will ever unite this planet.

But this column is not about politics or economics or even globalization. Instead, today, July 4, is a day for all Americans to celebrate the bond that holds us together-our independence from foreign rule.

The 4th of July is my favorite day of the year. And I always try to celebrate my favorite day at my favorite place, Redondo Beach, California. I love Independence Day because it celebrates our nation. The 4th of July is also non-religious, so we can all enjoy this secular holiday.

People across the nation will celebrate the day in a variety of fashions. Some will run in morning 5K and 10K races or go to a parade. Many people will go to the beach or enjoy their own backyards. A large number of Americans will barbeque outdoors and feast on the gloriousness of this day.

At night, most people will enjoy the air display of fireworks and run around with sparklers.

There are many problems in the world, but for most of us, they can be dealt with on another day. With that in mind, wherever you are, I wish you a Happy Independence Day!

More from Tim Delaney Ph.D.
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