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3 Ways to Bring Back That Loving Feeling

How to rejuvenate your long-term relationship.

Key points

  • Maintaining the excitement and intimacy in a long-term relationship can be challenging.
  • Reigniting the spark in a relationship requires commitment and effort from both partners.
  • Quality time, communication, and shared intimacy helps reconnect and strengthen the bond.

Dan, a counseling client of mine, looked dejected and said, "Dr. Jeff, the other day I heard that song, 'You've Lost That Loving Feeling,' and it messed me up for a bit. It made me want things to be better with Chaya" (Dan's wife of nine years).

Maintaining the excitement and intimacy in a long-term relationship can be challenging. As routines set in and life’s demands increase, couples might drift apart. However, reigniting the spark is possible through intentional effort and strategies. Here are three practical ways to bring back the magic in your relationship, each illustrated with a real-life example you can easily relate to.

Prioritize Quality Time Together

Spending quality time together is crucial for reconnecting with your partner. Couples who regularly engage in shared activities report higher marital satisfaction and emotional intimacy. This involves more than just being in the same room; it’s about engaging in meaningful interactions that strengthen your bond. Quality time can take many forms, such as having deep conversations, participating in hobbies, or simply enjoying each other's company without distractions.

It's essential to be fully present during these moments, setting aside digital devices and other interruptions to focus solely on each other. Additionally, incorporating spontaneity and adventure into your time together, like planning surprise dates or exploring new hobbies, can reignite excitement and curiosity in the relationship, making each moment shared more memorable and enriching.

Consider the case of Laura and Mark, who had been married for 12 years and felt their relationship was stagnant. They decided to implement a “date night” every Friday, where they would try new activities or revisit old hobbies they enjoyed together. Over time, these shared experiences helped them rediscover the joy in their relationship, making them feel more connected and appreciative of each other. Their story is a testament to the power of these strategies and the potential for positive change in your relationship.

Communicate Openly and Honestly

Open and honest communication is the cornerstone of a healthy relationship. Couples who communicate openly are more likely to resolve conflicts effectively and maintain a stronger emotional connection. This involves expressing needs, desires, and concerns in a respectful and understanding manner.

For example, Shawna and James felt distant despite living under the same roof. They decided to dedicate time each week for a “check-in” conversation to discuss their feelings, concerns, and any issues. Creating a safe space for open dialogue could address misunderstandings promptly and reinforce their emotional bond, leading to a more fulfilling relationship.

Reignite Physical Intimacy

Physical intimacy is a vital component of romantic relationships. Couples who maintain a healthy sex life tend to experience higher levels of relationship satisfaction and emotional closeness. Physical affection, whether through sex or simple acts like holding hands or hugging, fosters a sense of closeness and security.

For example, Liz and David had been together for eight years, and their physical intimacy had significantly dwindled. To address this, they began prioritizing physical touch in their daily lives, from affectionate gestures like kissing and hugging to scheduling intimate moments together. These efforts enhanced their physical connection and improved their overall relationship satisfaction and emotional intimacy.

To implement these strategies successfully:

  • Schedule Regular Activities. Set aside dedicated weekly time for shared activities that both partners enjoy.
  • Establish Communication Connections. Create regular opportunities for open discussions, such as weekly check-ins or daily debriefs.
  • Prioritize Physical Affection. Make an effort to incorporate physical touch and intimacy into daily routines.

By integrating these practices into your relationship, you're rekindling the spark and building a stronger, more fulfilling partnership. Imagine the joy and satisfaction you'll feel as your relationship grows and flourishes.

The above strategies provide a roadmap for couples seeking to enhance their connection and overall relationship satisfaction. Remember, reigniting the spark in a relationship requires commitment and effort from both partners. By taking these steps together, you can transform your relationship.

Through quality time, open communication, and physical intimacy, couples can reconnect and strengthen their bond. Intentional actions are not just about improving your relationship but about the potential to rediscover the magic in a long-term relationship. In doing so, intimate partners can rekindle their love and restore the joy they once shared. Imagine the excitement and anticipation of rediscovering that spark in your relationship.

More from Jeffrey Bernstein Ph.D.
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