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Tamler Sommers Ph.D.
Tamler Sommers Ph.D.
Evolutionary Psychology

Apparently I was right about Satoshi Kanazawa, aka the Scientific Fundamentalist.

More unshakable evidence for the theory of Blogospheriology

This post is in response to
Apparently, I was right about Michael Phelps

A few weeks ago I commented to a colleague that PT blogger Satoshi Kanazawa only wrote one of his recent posts so that someone would write a parody of that post. There could be no other explanation. Apparently I was right. The point of that comment was not to single out Satoshi Kanazawa, but exactly the opposite. A central claim of my theory of Blogospheriology is that bloggers write obviously absurd posts with fallacies that third graders could identify just so that someone will eventually parody those posts. The point of my comment was that even a superhuman blogger and LSE Reader isn't exempt from the Blogospheriological rule that bloggers do everything they do in order to get parodied.

According to a recent PT Post, following in the footsteps of Michelle Malkin and several bloggers at the Daily Kos, Satoshi Kanazawa has got his wish and a recent post of his has just been parodied.

(What, you say? Just because Satoshi Kanazawa wrote a blog post that was then parodied, it doesn't follow that he wrote the blog post IN ORDER to get parodied. But wait--Michael Phelps won all those gold medals and then got laid. Therefore he won the gold medals IN ORDER to get laid. The logic is impeccable in both cases.)

It's good to know that even a PT demigod like Satoshi Kanazawa isn't exempt from the laws of Blogospheriology.

About the Author
Tamler Sommers Ph.D.

Tamler Sommers is a professor of philosophy at the University of Houston.

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