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Need a Time-Out From All the Busyness and Stress?

A quick exercise that can help achieve relaxation and peace.

Feeling worn down by stress? Do you need a time-out from all the busyness? How about rising a few feet above it all, for a few moments? … like you’re floating on air?

That’s what I felt like when I saw the beautiful photos that appear in this post. Like I was floating on air.

 Wayne P, used with permission.
Source: Wayne P, used with permission.

My videographer took these photos and shared them with me. And when I first looked at the images, I could literally feel myself floating in one of these balloons. If you’d like, you too can experience this “floating on air” sensation. Right now.

Wouldn’t it be amazing if—when you feel stressed—you could step into your very own hot air balloon and float up into the clouds, releasing that stress?

Well, you can! Not literally, of course. But it is possible to create that same feeling, for ourselves. The quick exercise below is one example of how this can be achieved.

Imagine taking a few moments out of your busy life and focusing on these images.

Imagine you’re standing in the basket of one of these hot air balloons. Imagine what it would feel like to be floating.

Floating on air…

Imagine stress and tension leaving your body.

The higher you float in the balloon, the more the tension dissolves.

Thoughts just come and go… you pay no attention to them …

You are totally present.


You. Are. At. Peace.

Just looking at these images can relax you deeply.

And energize you.

Wayne P, used with permission.
Source: Wayne P, used with permission.

Now, moving from imagination into reality—look down at your feet, firmly on the floor or whatever surface you are on. Right now.

Take a deep breath in. Exhale.

Be aware of your body. Relaxed and energized.

Now that you have gifted yourself this time-out from stress, your few moments of floating on air, you may feel ready to take on the world.

But with a difference—hopefully, you now have some inner peace that can nurture you. Often. No matter how stressful things may be.


Disclaimer: This post is for informational purposes only. It is not a substitute for professional or psychological advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always contact your qualified health provider before implementing or modifying any personal growth or wellness program or technique, and with any questions about your well-being.

Copyright ©2021 Dr. Suzanne Gelb, Ph.D., JD. All rights reserved.

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