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Roberta Satow Ph.D.


Roberta Satow, Ph.D. is a New York based psychoanalyst, speaker and author of Doing the Right Thing: Taking Care of Your Elderly Parents Even if They Didn’t Take Care of You, Gender and Social Life and the novel:Two Sisters of Coyoacán. She is a frequent contributor to the website and is a professor emerita of the department of sociology at Brooklyn College and the City University of New York, Dr. Satow speaks and writes about issues of aging, gender, and mental health. She has been quoted in The New York Times, O, The Oprah Magazine, on ABC News and other national media platforms. She has appeared on The Diane Rehm Show, AARP, Prime Time Radio and several other NPR programs. Excerpts of the book appeared in Today’s Caregiver and Caregiver.Com. She was featured in articles in Newsweek’s Web edition, The Washington Post, Charlotte Observer, Tampa Tribune, Cleveland Plain Dealer, Dallas Morning News, and Seattle Times.

Dr. Satow gave the keynote addresses at the EAP Symposium on Diversity and Well-being for the National Defence Department of Canada, Ottawa, and the New York City Dept. of Aging White House Conference on Aging. She has also spoken at the National Caregivers Conference, the Annual Mayoral Conference on Alzheimer’s Disease, the National Conference on Family Relations Annual Conference, the Joint Conference of The National Council on the Aging and the American Society on Aging, the American Sociological Association and the Eastern Sociological Association.

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