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Jutta Joormann Ph.D.


Jutta Joormann, Ph.D., is a professor of Psychology at Yale University. She received her doctoral degree from the Free University of Berlin in Germany and joined the Yale Psychology Department in 2014 after working at Stanford University, the University of Miami, and Northwestern University. Her main areas of interest include the identification of risk factors for depression and research on the comorbidity of anxiety and depression. Her current work examines attention and memory processes in depression and how these are linked to rumination and emotion dysregulation. In her work, she integrates a multitude of measures, including cognitive tasks, psychophysiological measures of stress reactivity and regulation, eye tracking, neuroendocrine assessments, genotyping, and brain imaging. She is an associate editor of the Journal of Abnormal Psychology and of the Annual Review of Clinical Psychology. She also is the President-Elect of the Society for Research in Psychopathology (SRP).

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