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Power to the People

Empowering clients in therapy.

It's time to level the playing field. Therapists have had the upper hand in this psychotherapy gig long enough - this blog will help clients make the most of their time, effort and dollar.

Think about it: therapists spend years in school, read stacks of books and have countless hours of experience perfecting our craft. Clients seeking our help don't always have those tools. They'll come in, sit down and ask in earnest "so how does this work, anyway?" Valuable session time can stretch into weeks or even months educating clients about the rules, roles, techniques and theories that make therapy work. And all too often we therapists misinterpret this lack of information as "resistance".

I envision this blog as a place to empower the client and demystify the process. Where people can learn how to prepare for sessions and talk about difficult issues. A place to learn why professional boundaries are so important, to understand the significance of the therapeutic relationship, and to learn what to do when feeling stuck. I plan to cover these topics and many others - there's plenty of rich soil to till when it comes to the mysteries of therapy.

These ideas for client empowerment have bounced around in my head for many years, but are in no way complete. I gladly seek your input for topics and will do my best to address them. While this blog will be written primarily to clients, I expect a healthy amount of kibitzing from my fellow therapists and I welcome your input as well. I have no corner on the market when it comes to therapeutic wisdom, I'm growing and learning like everyone else.

Thanks for clicking through, and check back soon.

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