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Peter H. Kahn, Jr.
Peter H Kahn Jr., Ph.D.

Primal Passions -- A (Short) Rant

Reorienting toward love.

My sense is that this rant sounds best read aloud and read fast. See what you think:

Jump out of planes, sell stocks, become a sinner, become a saint, stand out, stand in, stand up for what you believe in or for what you don't, be a bail bondsman or a plumber or a thief or a movie star, live in a mansion in Santa Barbara, live in the fields of Oklahoma, or travel to Tibet or to the moon or into the sewers of Paris. You can meet the Pope or a barmaid. You can meet a prostitute on a street corner. You can meet an enemy in a rice paddy and both shake with fright and wonder why you're supposed to kill this other person who looks like you and breathes like you. Little boys jump into piles of leaves. Men kiss their wives and beat their wives, in either order, and then go off to work in big offices in big cities and little offices in little cities. Is there a single person who understands what's up and what's down? Is there a single woman or a single man who isn't looking for love in all the wrong places and in all the right places? You can work for Starbucks. You can be a judge. You can fry burgers. You can mash potatoes. You can teach the little children about right and wrong and God and Jesus, and Mary and Moses, Abraham, Mohammed, Krishna, Lao Tzu, and Chuang Tzu, and about how the emptiness of a cup makes the cup a cup and how the last will be first and how the first will be last and how rich men don't no way get to heaven easy.

You can do all of that or not.

But without your Beloved it doesn't matter.

About the Author
Peter H. Kahn, Jr.

Peter H. Kahn, Jr. is Professor of Psychology at the University of Washington and the author of Technological Nature: Adaptation and the Future of Human Life.

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