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Family Matters: Parental Rules for Internet Use

Infographic on household rules for Internet use

In our recent post on the reality and misperceptions of online "predators," we discussed the importance of talking to kids about Internet safety. However, as an ever-evolving realm that many of us didn't grow up with, the Internet isn't always an easy subject matter to navigate. In our latest infographic, we've illustrated data from our "Growing up with Media" study, highlighting how many, how frequently, and some ways in which parents establish rules regarding their children's Internet rules in their households.

Source: Center for Innovative Public Health Research

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Thanks to Emilie Chen for her contributions to this blog.

The GuwM Study was funded by a Cooperative Agreement with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (U49/CE000206; PI: Ybarra). Points of view or opinions in this bulletin are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official position of policies of the Centers for Disease Control. We would like to thank the entire Growing up with Media study team: Center for Innovative Public Health Research, Harris Interactive, John Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, and the CDC, who contributed to the planning and implementation of the study. Finally, we thank the families for their time and willingness to participate in this study.

Based on:

Korchmaros, J., Lopez, E., Mitchell, K., Prescott, T., and Ybarra, M. Growing up with Media: Household Rules. San Clemente, CA: Center for Innovative Public Health Research. January 2012.

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