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What Is a Neuroplastician?

How can they help you rewire your brain?

Ever wanted to change habits? Emotional, psychological, or social, like overcoming anxiety or learning new skills? If so, you might benefit from the expertise of a neuroplastician.

What exactly Is a neuroplastician, and how can they help you achieve lasting change? Let's discover how a neuroplastician can support you in building new healthy habits that sustain well-being.

Neuroplasticity is a concept that has transformed our understanding of the human brain. It's the capacity of the brain to change and adapt, even in adulthood, through the formation of new neural connections. Let’s start with two kinds of neuroplasticity:

  • Structural plasticity refers to the physical changes in the brain's structure, such as the growth of new neurons or the formation of new connections between existing neurons, which contribute to learning and memory.
  • Synaptic plasticity, on the other hand, involves the strengthening or weakening of existing connections between neurons, affecting the efficiency of neural communication.

Behavioral tools that drive neuroplasticity are all about B and include activities like learning new skills, practicing mindfulness, engaging in physical exercise, and adopting positive habits, all of which can promote the rewiring and adaptation of the brain for improved cognitive function and emotional well-being.

Norman Doidge, author of The Brain That Changes Itself, popularized the concept of neuroplasticity. He highlighted the role of neuroplasticity in rewiring the brain. He explains there are experts who help the brain adapt and form new connections so that people learn better and build healthier habits. Doidge notes the potential impact of neuroplasticians as practitioners who teach how to leverage the brain's capacity for change and develop lasting behavior habits.

Neuroplasticity research shows that behavior affects neurotransmitters. Positive habits increase the generation of dopamine and oxytocin, fostering happiness and social connection. Negative habits, however, can increase cortisol, impacting well-being. Understanding this empowers conscious choices for building new positive emotional habits. Neuroplasticians are not clinicians, but coaches who focus on positive behavior change by helping you understand how the brain influences choices. Let's take a closer look at the key steps involved:

The Brain-Behavior Link. Your journey begins with an assessment, in which a neuroplastician gains insight into your current emotional, behavioral, psychological, and even social habits. This allows them to understand your needs and determine the areas to focus on, such as identifying imbalances in serotonin levels that may contribute to mood fluctuations and depression. They will help you pay intimate attention to how your brain influences your feelings.

Emotional Goal Setting. Working with the neuroplastician, you establish realistic and motivating goals. By focusing on specific emotional and psychological habits, you will apply behavior change tools. For improved motivation or reducing stress, you will become aware of how it feels to have dopamine and cortisol in your brain and body. Eventually, you may become an expert in your body and mind, able to influence your motivation levels, deal with chronic stress, and make better choices.

Mastering Your Brain's Snack Attack. Imagine this: You're feeling a little peckish, and suddenly, you spot a slice of delicious cheesecake. Tempting, right? Your brain screams, "That's the perfect treat!" Next thing you know, you've devoured the cake, forgetting that you recently went vegan. A neuroplastician will help you catch that initial surge of dopamine that pushes you into action. You'll become expert at paying attention to how your brain and body influence each other. Often this happens before you've even had time to think things through. No more acting on impulse without considering your philosophy or intentions; you'll become skilled at recognizing those brain changes right away. Your mind and behavior will have a chance to notice the shifts happening in your body and emotions. And guess what? You'll have the power to decide whether to indulge in that cake, armed with the knowledge of what's going on in your brain before you even pick up the fork.

The Neuroplastician as Coach

Practice makes perfect. Your neuroplastician is a coach who applies tools that direct changes to your brain and reshape your brain's wiring. By applying brain-based cognitive and behavioral tools that challenge your habitual thinking, you can embrace change. They will help you practice evidence-based techniques that harness the brain to influence new healthy choices.

Neuroplasticians won't drown you in complex jargon or Latin terms; they won't even obsess over the word "brain." Instead, they tap into their expertise to unlock your personal growth through neuroplasticity. A neuroplastician will help you recognize how your brain sometimes interferes with your intentions and how you can notice these changes, and then they will give you tools to make behavior change. They'll assist you in noticing subtle changes in your body, emotions, and perceptions, highlighting that your brain doesn't always align with your mind.

Embrace the potential within you to notice the brain-behavior link and consider teaming up with a neuroplastician. You will discover more about your brain and mind and how to unleash your power to make healthy changes that leave you happier.


Doidge N. (2007). The brain that changes itself: stories of personal triumph from the frontiers of brain science. New York: Penguin Books.

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