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13 Things Resilient People Do

Curious how resilient people function? Here are 13 things they do well.

Kristin Meekhof
Source: Kristin Meekhof

During these uncertain times, resilience is a critical factor for emotional well-being. And resilient people tend to engage in certain behaviors that allow them to reset or pivot whenever necessary. Their ability to perform well despite stressful situations is something others admire. While there are variations among the resilient, over the past 20 years of clinical experience and also in doing additional research for my book, A Widow's Guide to Healing, I've noticed a number of things that resilient people do well.

13 Things Resilient People Do Well

Note: These aren't listed in any particular order.

  1. Resilient people can see the big picture. While they have hawk-eye vision for the minute details, they can also see the larger landscape. And this keen vision prevents them from over-focusing on something granular. Their actions reflect a panoramic vision with an appreciation for details.
  2. Resilient people remain open. Resilient people know staying open to new ideas and opportunities fosters growth. They welcome feedback and often end sentences with a sense of openness.
  3. Resilient people know their blind spots. Since they are open to feedback as well as criticism, they are well aware of their blind spots. And they aren't fearful of them. Instead, they keep them in check, so they can adequately prepare for various situations.
  4. Resilient people seek help. They are well aware they can't solve every problem on their own and are willing to seek guidance from experts. Resilient people know that mastering a transition or challenge often takes outside assistance, and they aren't afraid to ask for help.
  5. Resilient people enjoy spending time alone. Resilient people aren't afraid of getting to know their inner selves. A part of them relishes this discovery process, and they tend to view reflection as a growth period, not stagnation. They enjoy learning without distraction from others.
  6. Resilient people value and build relationships. Resilient people value other people and see people first. They understand hierarchy and power, but they don't let a person's title determine their level of communication with them. Resilient people know relationships take time and effort and are willing to engage in this process.
  7. Resilient people develop multiple plans. Resilient people understand that multiple variables can impact their goals, so they develop a handful of contingency plans. And they will often have more than one optimal plan in place. This allows them to shift and pivot faster than most and still obtain exceptional results.
  8. Resilient people practice self-care. They know they are not immune to challenges, and so they make daily efforts to take care of their physical and emotional well-being. This may mean going to bed at a certain time, avoiding certain foods, or having a daily meditation practice. Self-care practices are integrated into their routine.
  9. Resilient people know everything takes energy... and as such, resilient people know that saying "yes" to every request will lead to exhausting their energy. They know how to conserve their resources and use them appropriately.
  10. Resilient people are sensitive. This doesn't mean resilient people wake up crying. Instead, they are able to feel things at a very human level. They are often moved to innovate something or mentor someone based on heartfelt emotions. They understand sensitivity as one of the basic human qualities.
  11. Resilient people create and make space for innovation. Resilient people are often creating things you aren't even aware of or will ever see. They may write a song or a journal entry or paint a canvas just for their own enjoyment. Many innovative ideas come by way of engaging in another creative activity.
  12. Resilient people use positive self-talk. This doesn't mean every day is happy and problem-free, but resilient people are very careful with their inner dialogue. They know if they start to criticize their own performance they are less likely to make a strong recovery. They know mistakes will happen, so they are able to experience disappointment but not get stuck in it.
  13. Resilient people view challenging situations through the lens of gratitude. They know gratitude is the foundation of overall well-being. Even when the situation is dire they will foster a sense of well-being by stating something they are grateful for. They know this shifts their focus for even a brief moment.

During this time of loss and uncertainty, engaging in some of the actions resilient people do, even for a short time, can help you feel more in control of your day.

Facebook/LinkedIn image: Dean Drobot/Shutterstock

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