Employers: Think Twice About "Do More With Less" Strategy
How does disrespect evolve to harm the company?
Posted November 22, 2010
Because of the economy, many employees are staying with their current employer because they don't have--or don't think they have--other employment options.
As a result of this sort of economy-related fear, some employers take unfair advantage of the situation. They ask their current employees to do unreasonable amounts of more with less. What is markedly different in today's landscape from previous decades is that many employers are not only upping demands but also treating employees with disrespect.
This is a significant mistake on many levels. Why? Disrespect has an evolution process that will come back to harm the company.
- Disrespecting employees builds disengaged employees.
- Disengaged employees work against the objectives, mission, and vision of their employers.
- Disengaged employees are evangelic and will recruit other employees to become disengaged.
- Disengaged employees can become saboteurs.
Quality employees who are taken for granted, or worse-taken advantage of-will be the first to leave once other opportunities arise. Statistics from the Gallagher Corporation suggest that 62% of all current employees have expressed an intention to leave their current employer at the first viable opportunity.
This not only suggests, it also screams to employers that they should take better care of their employees if they wish to keep them. When the economy turns, as there are indications it is turning now, employment opportunities are going to be extended to those currently employed rather than those that are currently seeking employment.
Employers: treat your employees with respect and consideration now! If doing the right thing isn't enough motivation, think about this: Employees have more time and more opportunity to "get you" then you have to "get them." Turn the tables and save your business by tangibly demonstrating that your employees are valuable.