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Shakespeare, Einstein, and Stoppard—All Frauds!

Our preference for congruence can result in huge mistakes.

You must know by now that a man named William Shakespeare has served as a front for the great playwright Edward de Vere, 17th Earl of Oxford. Unfortunately it has taken the general public over 500 years to discover this truth, because the 17th Earl of Oxford was so clever. He made everyone think that he was just another playboy aristocrat, who threw his money around until he lost all of his vast inherited wealth by the time he died. It is now so obvious that William Shakespeare was only a simple lad from Stratford, with no vast fortune or aristocratic connections. He only had a basic education. He could never have written those plays that include so much about kings and courtly life, but it was such a clever ploy by the 17th Earl of Oxford to put Shakespeare forward as ‘the great playwright’.

Of course the same ploy was adopted by King-Emperor Edward VIII, who abdicated from the British throne in 1936 in order to marry Mrs. Wallis Simpson. Edward VIII might appear to the rest of us as just another Nazi admiring British aristocrat, who was an embarrassment to the British government when World War II started. But he was actually a genius behind some amazing discoveries. You might ask, who did this genius king-emperor put forward as his front? It was none other than that so-called scientist Albert Einstein. Yes, Einstein was working as a lowly patent examiner when Edward decided to use him as his ‘scientific front’. How could we have believed for so long that someone like Albert Einstein, from such a humble background, could produce the theory of relativity. Yes, I agree with you—it had to be Edward VIII.

I know what you are going to ask, I have exactly the same question on my mind. If Shakespeare was a front, and Einstein was a front, who else is a front for some great aristocrat who wishes to remain unknown for great literary or scientific achievements? Let me tell you a secret—there is another person being used as a front, but you would never guess! Yes, it really is true. Prince Charles is also using a front. Like the 17th Earl of Oxford, Prince Charles is a playwright and he uses, you guessed it, Tom Stoppard! You see, once I give you the name, it becomes so obvious. Tom Stoppard was a refugee from Czechoslovakia, how on earth could we have believed that he could write plays such as ‘The Coast of Utopia’ and ‘Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead’, and film scripts such as ‘Shakespeare in Love’? It is obvious that this poor Czech refugee was adopted by Prince Charles as his front. Only the Prince, with his superior education and breeding, could possibly have written such quintessentially British works.

And the list goes on….what about Joseph Conrad! He only learned English later in life, and always spoke English with a thick foreign accent. How could he have written ‘Heart of Darkness’ and ‘The Nigger of Narcissus’ and those other great works IN ENGLISH! Obviously he did not write them….and the list goes on and on!

Now if you really believe that Shakespeare, Einstein, and Stoppard are ‘fronts’ for the 17th Earl of Oxford, King Edward VIII, and Prince Charles, then there is a bridge in San Francisco I want to sell you. But how is it that ‘Anti-Stratfordians’ have continued to argue that Shakespeare did not write Shakespeare? Why is it that they continue to find some supporters? An important psychological reason is the preference for congruent and consistent constructions of the world, a preference that we all share to some degree but is very strong among some people. Acting on this preference, we construct pictures of individuals and their personalities that are harmonious. An aristocrat with connections to royalty and with ‘the best schooling’ should also produce ‘great works’, such as Shakespearian plays. A lad born into a ‘normal’ family in Stratford, without any ‘high’ connections and without having gone to the ‘best schools’ should produce ‘lowly’ or ‘normal’ work. It is incongruent to think of this lad from a mediocre background and schooling as having produced timeless works of literature.

This same preference for congruency helps dictatorships to continue.


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