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52 Ways to Show I Love You: Making Miracles

At Blythedale Children's Hospital, love makes a difference.

Source: paulbr75/Pixabay

This week I offer you a video that I found incredibly moving. It shows love more clearly than mere words ever could. Note that the real hero in the stories depicted in the short film is love, given and shared. It is love that makes a difference. Love’s power multiplies the miracles.

See what the parents, patients and staff at Blythedale Children’s Hospital have been able to do. Aided by assistive technology, they have created miracles with their love. Watch here. While the technological innovations provide tools through which the miracles can occur, only the dedication of parents and staff to transforming the constrained lives of those they love have made them possible. Growth and recovery inspire awe. They also spark the love that pours out of those who receive it as they learn to connect to others in more communicative ways.

The world of the children and families in the film can be filled with pain, but they are also filled with mystery. The love and commitment that surround them have led to the very innovation that makes the impossible possible. The glow of the children as they find ways to show their own love attests to love's power and reality. Just as art or science can provide testimony to the reality of the invisible, the strength of love seen in the subtext of this film defies the limits of language.

Why are we so reluctant to accept the reality of the invisible, whether it is love itself or the miracles love can inspire?

Copyright 2017 - Roni Beth Tower - video posted courtesy of Blythedale Children's Hospital

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