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Finding "Flow" This Week

Get in the zone and increase your satisfaction with life.

Anyone who watches sports is familiar with the concept of being "in the zone." Whether it is Kobe Bryant flying around and through defenders with seeming ease, Tom Brady knifing perfect spirals into tiny openings in the defense, Serena Williams humbling opponents with laser-like groundstrokes, or Nastia Liukin flying through one nearly perfect routine after another in the Beijing Olympic games, when an athlete is "in the zone" it seems he or she can do no wrong. And, it's not just athletes who experience being in the zone. Artists and performers of all types also achieve this exalted state.

Psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi (pronounced, mee-hy cheek-sent-mə-hy-ee) and colleagues have studied this phenomenon in athletes, musicians, dancers and others and given this zone state a name—flow. Researchers have learned that being in a flow state not only yields optimum performance, but it has other benefits as well. Not surprisingly, being in the zone is a highly pleasurable experience—it is just fun. More than that, people who experience more flow states also experience more confidence, self-esteem, happiness and meaning in life.

The good news is that you don't have to be a superstar athlete or performer to experience flow. In fact, you can experience flow while engaging in many common activities, from jogging to auditing financial statements. The bad news is that flow states do not come for free. Achieving a state of flow requires that you be engaged in an activity that requires the use of skill, and that you are performing those skills at or near your limit. In other words, whatever the activity, you must practice to gain skills, and then challenge yourself to do perform at your best. To get to a flow state, you have to put in the work.

Here are the conditions researchers have identified as necessary for reaching a flow state in whatever activity you choose:

  • You must have clear goals for your activity—e.g., to win a tennis match, to play that piano sonata flawlessly, to code an elegant computer program for your efforts must be immediately available
  • Your abilities and the challenges you face must be evenly matched—if something is too easy, you will become bored, too hard and you may become frustrated
  • You need to be able to focus deeply on the task at hand—no multitasking, no interruptions
  • While you must start with a goal, your focus should be on the process of reaching the goal and not the outcomes you want from reaching the goal. In other words, focus on the playing, not the glory that might come from success.

So, while it may not be possible to play basketball like an all star or the violin like a virtuoso, it is possible—if only for short periods of time—to feel like the star performers feel when they are at their best. And while being in the zone doesn't last forever, achieving flow states more often is likely to lead to more confidence, self-esteem and satisfaction with your life—good reasons to challenge yourself to find your own flow states.

At BeyondThePurchase.Org we help people understand the relationship between money and happiness. To better understand the benefits of specific consumer choices, we continue to investigate the relationships between consumer preferences, psychological needs, happiness, and values at our website by allowing people to take tests on personality. To learn about what might be influencing how you think about and spend your money, register with Beyond The Purchase, then take a few of our personality quizzes:

Can money buy happiness? Take our experiential buying survey and on your feedback page you will learn how to spend your money to be happier.

How do I find happiness in life? Take our happiness quiz and find out your happiness score.

Is shopping an addiction? Take the compulsive buying scale and learn about your spending habits. We think you may learn a lot about what causes you to part with your hard-earned money.

With these insights, you can better understand the ways in which your financial decisions affect your happiness. Responses to these surveys will also help researchers further understand the connection between money and happiness.

More from Ryan T. Howell Ph.D.
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