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Sam Sommers


Sam Sommers is an award-winning teacher and researcher of social psychology at Tufts University in Medford, Massachusetts. He earned his Ph.D. in psychology from the University of Michigan, and over the past decade has published dozens of articles on the topics of race and social perception, judgment and decision-making, diversity and group processes, and psychological perspectives on the U.S. legal system. His research has been covered by Good Morning America, National Public Radio, Harper's Magazine, the London Times, Los Angeles Times, and Washington Post. He has testified as an expert witness on racial bias in murder trial proceedings in three states, as well as an expert on issues in eyewitness memory in several trials in Massachusetts.

In 2007 he was the first junior faculty member to win the Lerman-Neubauer Prize for Outstanding Teaching at Tufts, an award given annually to the professor judged by graduating seniors as having had "the most profound effect on them intellectually, both in and out of the classroom"; in 2009 he was elected Professor of the Year by the Tufts University Student Senate. In his free time he enjoys family trips with his wife and two daughters, hits lead-off for the vaunted Tufts Psychology softball team, and exerts far more effort than he should editing Seinfeld and Daily Show video clips for use in the classroom.

His first book, entitled Situations Matter: Understanding How Context Transforms Your World, was published by Riverhead Books (Penguin) in December 2011.

Books by Sam Sommers
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