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What do weight loss counsellors do?

Weight loss counsellors can help clients face the challenges that lead to being overweight. They may help clients with time management, stress, self-care, self-love, emotional eating, and accountability. They typically work with clients to develop weight loss plans and address the emotional issues that may contribute to unhealthy eating habits.

What causes obesity?

Factors including environment, family history, genetics, metabolism, and behavior, can all be causes of obesity. Obesity tends to run in families, underscoring the genetic component of the condition, but the rise in the number of obese individuals over the last four decades also points to the role of increasingly sedentary lifestyles, the proliferation of processed foods, and the ubiquity of computer, phone, and television screens.

What’s the best therapy type for weight loss?

The therapy types that may be most helpful in addressing the underlying factors that contribute to obesity and the changes needed for healthy weight loss are behavioral therapies. These include Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), which focuses on identifying dysfunctional thoughts and replacing them with healthier and more realistic ones; Acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT), which focuses on emotional acceptance and psychological flexibility; and Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy, which helps a person with their negative thoughts and behaviours.

Can you overcome obesity with therapy?

Therapy can be a helpful tool in addressing some of the underlying psychological and emotional factors that may contribute to obesity. Therapy can be particularly helpful in addressing emotional eating, binge eating, and can help a client with goal-setting. Working with a therapist, individuals can develop strategies to identify and manage triggers for overeating, develop healthier coping mechanisms, and learn how to make healthier food choices.