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Jennifer M. Weiss M.D.


Jennifer Weiss, M.D. is an orthopaedic surgeon specializing in pediatric orthopaedic surgery and sports medicine. She actively writes and speaks on the topic of women in medicine. She has served on the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Board of Directors, and she teaches communication skills to physicians throughout the Southern California Region of Kaiser Permanente. Her research is widely published, and she is a leader and speaker within the medical community nationally and internationally.

Growing up as the daughter of an orthopaedic surgeon, Jennifer saw first-hand how male-dominated the world of medicine is. Throughout medical school, she encountered few female students and fewer women that were aspiring to become orthopaedic surgeons. From the start, it has always been her goal to help aspiring women become successful surgeons—and to inspire women to enter the field of surgery and not be intimidated by this largely male profession.

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